
Friday 9 October 2009

Bedrooms - son #2 and son #3

Ceiling rose with plastic light fitting

I have been putting off taking photos of the bedrooms because they are never tidy - ever. If  I was paid to do house-keeping, I would have got the sack. Lucky for me, it is an unpaid role and Jason has tolerated my indifference to house work (he is very tidy!).

But back to the topic of this post...the bedrooms. Son #2 and Son #3 share a room. They are ages 4 years and 16 months respectively. We think their room may have been the original master bedroom as it is at the front end of the house; its door opening out into the lounge room.

It is also very large allowing us to put in a cot, change table and king size single bed. It has built-in cupboards but it only allows for hanging space - no shelving.

I kind of made the bed in this shot - half-baked, isn't it? bad as they look, the built-in cupboards are very handy

My favourite things about this room, apart from its occupants, are the lovely ceiling rose (but not that hideous shade) and how it gets the morning sun (but not how the kids wake up at the crack of dawn).

As you can see, there is much to do. Mostly cosmetic. We will probably wait until Son #3 progresses to a bed.  Luckily they are not too discerning.

The occupants


  1. Looks like a fun room!! I am also planning to make lots of changes to my sons' room and I would love to see your ideas!
    Ps: we also have some hideous built-in cupboards, but I have to admit they are great for storage
    Have a nice weekend!

  2. Don't worry about not keeping your son's rooms tidy. It's a struggle keeping our house in order and we don't even have kids.

    Thanks for visiting me on The Hill. I'm glad I found your blog.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oh thanks for reading my blog.
    Monika - I was hoping you could do your sons'rooms first and use your ideas!
    Why S? - I love your way with words and reading about your world. Consider me entertained.
    NM - thanks for dropping by and I'll check out your blog too.


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