
Sunday 25 October 2009

Master bedroom

I like our bedroom. This is a good thing, since I like sleep. I’m even inclined to hide myself away (when no one is looking) to have a nana nap, although that doesn’t happen often enough for my liking.

It’s a strange room; quite enormous for a room in a house of this vintage. And the reason: the addition of a faux bay window. We believe this romantic gesture was added during the "Great Refurbishment" in the 50/60s.

Cosy nook

The faux bay window floors are a darker narrower hard wood which run against the flow of the original pine boards. It was probably carpeted in its heyday, so matching the boards would never have been a consideration.

See the difference in floorboards

The walls under the bay window are fibro. When we change the windows, Jason will most probably replace it with VJs.

The windows were also replaced with single pane glass casements similar to the windows in the sunroom. We will try to recycle some of the old kitchen windows here, so at least they are the same profile to the rest of the house. The only problem is we will have a mixture of green and amber glass. Not sure what we will do about this...perhaps we will just get windows custom built?

This is also the only room to have curtains. They have remained only to give us privacy. I’m not a big fan of curtains, although I do appreciate them in other homes. Not sure what we will any suggestions are welcomed...

The master bedroom has large built-in cupboards in the same louver-style of the boys’ bedrooms. We also have air-conditioning. Yay! We can fit a queen bed, two 1960s Rosando bed-side cabinets, an old 1930s English oak dresser and still have plenty of room to move.

They must have got a bulk discount for these doors because they are in every bedroom!

With a bit of paint, some furniture rearrangement and some discrete changes here and there, I think this room will be just fine.

The beadspread is a vintage hand-stitched tifaifai made in Tahiti


  1. Looks beautiful... and I'm with you on curtains, but these ones are lovely. Lucky!

  2. Your floors so beautiful. Our really need to be re-done but I just can't face not having access to the top floor of the house.Maybe next year.
    Love those tiffany lamps too!
    Have a great week and best wishes, NM.

  3. I am sure you will add your own great touches to this room to make it even more special.

  4. I love the bay windows and curtains in your room! The bedspread is beautiful!

  5. This room surely has great potential, but I think it looks great as it is right now.
    I like the windows and the curtains and also your bedspread. It could be so nice to have a nap in there.


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