
Saturday 17 October 2009

Small project - cupboard

Jason recently started his DIY repair on the cupboard in the sunroom. I'm finally getting shelves and the major cracks in the VJs have been closed. Woo hoo!

Finally, there will be a place to neatly store the linen and at least a small semblance of order will be restored (at the moment the bed linen is spread across several rooms in the Sow's Ear).

The work begins

Oh, the simple things in life are often the best.


  1. Hi Anita! I bet that will feel better to have your linens all organized & in one place! What a great Hubby you have! I need to go through mine & weed out old stuff we no longer use... I don't count that on my list of fun things... So I guess that's why I keep putting it off.

    On that soup recipe.. If you cant find Hominy I don't see why you couldn't just subsitute corn.. Let me know if you give it a try..

    Hope you guys are having a great weekend! ~ Blessings ~ Teresa

  2. What a cute cupboard! I have so much linen, it is impossible to keep them all in the same area. I have this habit of buying vintage linen.

  3. Hi Anita! I find shelves so much more useful than a large hanging space, except for the ironing board of course. You will be so glad to ge this work done...Go Jason!

  4. Good luck with the project!! It is so good when you can finally find space for things. A little order in our hectic life..

  5. Hi, Thanks for coming and visiting my blog and for the message. I thought I had signed up to follow already but I have had a few problems with this lately so have signed up again.Have a fun weekend!NM.


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