
Monday 30 November 2009


Those stools, I had nearly written off, arrived today.

T.H Brown and Sons 1960s bar stools

T.H Brown was a South Australian furniture company establised in the early 1900s.

I like that they fit neatly under the island bench and do not take up valuable floor space. They are also in pristine condition for chairs of this vintage. I have an extra chair which I will be able to use on the deck where we have the kitchen servery.

After waiting almost three months, I can safely say they were well worth the wait. Phew!


  1. As a South Aussie I'm very impressed! T.H. Brown was always considered very high-brow back in the 60's. Mum & Dad saved forever for a complete T.H. dining suite with matching buffet. They would have been very envious of your groovy stools. Don't get me started on Couriers.
    Millie ^_^

  2. Hey they are lovely and look great in your kitchen like that light too.

  3. So worth the wait-they look fantastic! Now you have some extra seating for more Christmas guests!
    Best wishes, Natasha.

  4. They are lovely - such an elegant angle to the splay of the legs and they look as though they will keep weathering ever so gracefully.

  5. Hi Anita! Yay!! I bet you were so excited to see them!! They look fabulous in your kitchen! I love your granite countertops! Such a beautiful color! I'm sure there will be many wonderful chats in your kitchen from those stools!

    Hope you guys have a great week!

    Blessings ~ Teresa

  6. Thanks everyone for your kind comments. Now that they have arrived, I have one less thing to whinge about!

  7. The stools look amazing! I am envious :-)

  8. 3 months is definitely patience testing - but worth the wait in this case. The stools look fabulous. A great find!


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