
Monday 23 November 2009

Homemade wreath

Queensland Silver Wattle Christmas wreath on our front door.

I always try to make my own Christmas wreath. Mostly because I am cheap eco-friendly. No, really I am cheap.

Now that we live in a new area, there is different foliage to experiment with. I was toying with the idea of using natives like the grevilleas in our garden, but then I remembered the lovely wattle tree on the street (this was incidentally inspired by a post on wreaths by Anna Spiro on her blog Absolutely Beautiful Things).

Boo Radley's footpath has the most glorious Queensland Silver Wattle tree which I have kindly trimmed back for him. The foliage is an amazing silver grey colour which I think looks good against the white lattice door.

I love that it is simple, wild and rustic. I'm not sure how it will dry but I figure if it starts to look uber ugly or we have guests coming around, I can replace it with Boo's endless supply of fresh wattle branches.

Do you think Boo will mind?


  1. That looks wonderful. I want to make my own this year. I do not have access to foliage such as Silver Wattle. May have to stick to something much more basic !!

  2. I love it! It looks so simple, I am a firm believer in simplicity, I think that is the only way to survive Christmas!

  3. Hi, I think it is fab. Should dry well I would think.( Like the tram roll in the background.) Cheers Katherine

  4. I too make my own wreaths so you can either classify me in the cheap or the eco basket as well! I have been collecting rosehips for mine. I made 15 last year and sold them in 15 mts but the time it took and the prickles have made up my mind about just doing two for each of our doors this year. Will send you photos of wounded hands, um no, rosehip wreaths when finished. Yours is stunning and it should dry really well. I tried olive leaf - looks great in the photos but dries out in 5 days so I think I'll have to stick to rosehips afterall (distinct lack of wattle and eucalyptus in my garden). If you need any acorns, let me know ...


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