
Saturday 26 December 2009

The best gift of all...


Brisbane rain - taken from the landing of our back deck

The front lawn is the greenest it has ever been

This afternoon I will fertilise the lawn without fear of it being scorched. We don't have the most fantastic lawn (mixture of buffalo and blue couch) but if I can encourage it while it's raining it should be more respectable and less povo.


  1. Hasn't the rain been wonderful! Did you lose power after that huge storm the other day? We were lucky and had a quick little surge and then all was fine again.

    Enjoy the gardening!

    Best wishes, Natasha.

  2. Yes it has been excellent. We made a bit of progess with the yard this afternoon and are now having martinis. We didn't lose power in that storm thankfully.

  3. Here comes the rain again!! Enjoy your martinis in the rain...

  4. Hi Anita! Hope you guys had a Beautiful Christmas!! Yay! for your Rain!!! Everything looks so lush & gorgeous from your back deck! I'm hoping for more snow! We had rain last night & the snow is just about gone :(

    Hope you guys have a Wonderful New Year!!!
    Big Hugs ~ Teresa

  5. Wow - look at that rain! What a beautiful picture... cheers! (for the martinis) and happy new year!


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