
Thursday 31 December 2009


Although it's good to have some established trees and gardens, sometimes we think it would be a hell of a lot easier to have nothing.Undoing the gardening sins of owners past (overgrown and poorly planned) is a thankless task.

And what we have started with the garden won't look great for quite a while. Doubly thankless.

Our big goal was to clear the 15 metres of front garden bed. On the weekend, we pulled out the last of the old plants we had earmarked for removal while the ground was nice and soft from all the rain. Our rubbish pile is getting mountainous.

We also pulled out the feature garden (which was more an eye-sore than a feature) that was plonked in the middle of the lawn. We are happy just to let the grass grow over that patch.

Now we have our eyes peeled for some plants - preferably free plants.

I'm going to visit one of my brothers who won't notice that a few of his plants are missing. I'll keep you posted and show you what we come up with.

Happy New Year.


  1. Nice work, can you come round and do mine afterwards?

    We just realised that after four years living with a big backyard, we've not managed to acquire a lawnmower or whippersnipper. We just rely on regular bouts of drought to kill it all off again ;-)

    Check out the Brisbane Markets at Rocklea for cheap plants if you can't get them all free!

  2. I never thought of that - just pinching plants out of my brother's garden... Mind you, it's not really feasible right now. Maybe one day ;-)

  3. We have the same problem in our front yard. Way too many trees in a tiny space on one half, nothing much on the other half.

    I think pinching plants is perfectly accenptable, as long as it's from family.

    Happy New Year to you too.

  4. Ange and Why S, he won't mind...espcially if he doesn't notice, which I'm sure he won't. House proud he is not.

    Thanks for the tip about the Rocklea markets, Edwina. BTW I like your new look blog. Is there a reason for no comments?

  5. This is really had work! One of the reasons I like living in a rental that I do not have to deal with the garden. I enjoy gardens, but hate gardening... please be patient. I am sure your garden will look amazing, just give it some time! Happy New Year!

  6. Oh and I like your new picture in the header! Your house looks beautiful!

  7. Happy New Year. You have been a busy bee. Don't forget your free council plants you get when you pay rates and I have got a few great freebies when the council has their green waste collections, when people throw out plants onto their footpaths. Hasn't the rain been heaven, cheers Katherine

  8. This is one of the things on my very long list for my new house. I don't have any relatives nearby though so I guess I'll have to go buy my plants(!) I was just at Mise's and saw your comment about your perm. I had to LOL because that's how I went through university too!!! Happy new year to you!

  9. You are motivated! Go you. Yes, I have lived in houses before with bad planning and it's a nightmare to fix. You are doing a great job though. Good luck!


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