
Tuesday 15 December 2009

Homemade Greetings

I've been making a few Christmas cards for family here and overseas. They are not sent to everyone because I realise my kids don't interest everyone in my acquaintance...

I took a quick snap of the three boys in my brother's swimming pool (No 1 and 2 son have that "cheese" thing going on, No 3 son is at least looking at the camera).

The cards have a summer vibe because in 35 degree heat (celsius), anything that resembles snow flakes or the North Pole coming from Queensland is just delusional. The defiant 'Stay cool this Christmas" scrawled across the photo sums it up.

I cut the photograph with pincing scissors to give a decorative edge. It was then glued on torn lavender card stock which was then glued on DL size pastel green card. That torn edge thing looks better than I expected.

I know, not exactly Christmassy colours but it was what I had stashed in the drawers. I had also bought a number of envelope seals that were in the throw out rack at Eckersley's in Milton (the art shop where I used to work part time). Pink. 50 cents. They go with the green envelopes and it satisfies the lack of pink in my life.

I'm happy with the results, given I'm not at all crafty. And it's nice to give others something you made yourself.


  1. I hurriedly snapped some photos of my girls this week for the grandparents-must-be-delivered-early-christmas-present. 500 shots later it seemed and one was semi-usable!! They love the cheese thing too! xx

  2. Very nice. Here in cold Europe we're all bored of robins and sleighs.

  3. I send my photos by email and thru Facebook to all who are interested. Love the card idea though. It snowed yesterday so just wanted to let you know that we are DEFINITELY staying cool this Christmas ;-) The whole idea of creativity is USING WHAT YOU'VE GOT ... well done!

  4. What a cool idea. I should be more motivated and do that. Well my hubby owns a printing company and really I could do some great cards with the kiddies on it, but you know what it's like...I would be last on the list to get anything done haha! Bet everyone will truly appreciate your efforts x

  5. Lovely! I am sure the receivers will love it!


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