
Monday 28 December 2009

The Homies 2009

I've been enjoying discovering new blogs from The Homies 2009 awards hosted by Apartment Therapy. There are some very cool blogs out there.

I've put in my two cents worth. You can check out who made my list. Being stylish on a not too outlandish budget was a particular criteria for me since that is my holy grail with our house renovations...

What amuses me most are the people who nominate themselves for the award and then mobilise their friends to vote for them as well. Hmmm...reminds me too much of school...

The awards are a really good idea regardless of the outcome. There are lots of creative and interesting people writing about their experiences which always makes for a good story.

1 comment:

  1. Anita! I LOVE your header photo!! Beautiful picture of your House!! Your home is so pretty & has so much character!

    Big Hugs ~ Teresa


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