
Saturday 30 January 2010

Colourful collection

I have a morbid confession.

When elderly people in our acquaintance die or are moved along to the nursing home and their relatives don't know what to do with the ugly* colourful art glass, my name is instantly suggested.

Interestingly, when dividing up the Waterford or Lalique, my name never comes up...

Yes, I am the beneficiary of other people's misfortune. It is a terrible way to acquire one's collection of art glass vases.

Here are just some of the pieces obtained in this way:

Green and amber rippled art glass. It gives off the most striking reflection and is very heavy. I'm not sure whether it is English, Japanese or Italian.

Small Anchor Hocking ruby red bud vases. Really cute with fresh geraniums. I've got two of these.

Mint green and white milk glass vase. Unusually ugly, therefore a sentimental favourite

Orange and cream urn. The boys are fond of its orangeness

My most favourite piece is the ruby red soda glass vase designed by Geoffrey Baxter for Whitefriars in the 1960s. The soda glass series was based on light fitting shapes. It still has the orginal price of $9.95 from Myer on the bottom of it.

They are an eclectic mix but I like them all because they are so unusual in shape, colour and design. Not only do they add easy colour to the home, they are also beautifully made.

People shouldn't be so eager to get rid of it.

*Please note: I do not consider any of the art glass to be ugly. Really.


  1. Very pretty collection Anita! I love that rippled one at the top!They are all pretty though! I checked those boxes at the bottom of your post for the first time... Just noticed those!

    Hope you guys have a Beautiful Weekend! We are dealing with the flu bug over here..yuck! Expecting Snow Saturday.. Yay!!

    Big Hugs ~ Teresa

  2. What a great collection Anita. Do you have them on display together or scattered around the place? That's funny that your name gets mentioned, lucky you!

  3. Hi Anita, the nemesis of the dealer... the knowing relative..haha Great collection, I love art glass, great that it is getting the appreciation it deserves, cheers Katherine

  4. I like it all! It would make a stunning display all together on a set of deep white shelves.

  5. ahhh I so remember being fascinated by my parents' elderly friend's enormous collection of ruby glass ( which I'm sure my mother found quite distasteful, even in the 70s). I was in love with it and wanted it sooooo badly. Personally - I'd be a sucker for your orange jug and the two red pieces... never been a fan of the Aussie green and gold myself though ;-)

  6. Ange and Mise, Most of the art glass is on display together in our kitchen - on the high plate shelf above the sink area. They do come down every so often for a dust or a blog photo shoot...He he he.


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