
Monday 8 February 2010


The blog giveaway phenomenon baffled me at first - comment on a blog post and win a prize. Then I read about the bountiful year that 2009 was for Mise at Pretty Far West. Four prizes in one year! A lucrative business this blogging.

I've entered some giveaways since I began blogging regularly last August, with very little success. There was much disappointment when I didn't win a Little Bert chair from a mod blog I follow or the Florence Broadhurst book Jane offered on My Pear Tree House (I believe Mise won, choosing the other book on offer). But that was in 2009.

The year 2010, however, has been a prosperous one and it is only just the beginning. I am the winner of two giveaways - the first of which arrived on my doorstep on Friday afternoon.

Lantern giveaway which arrived last week

The very lovely Edwina from Masie and More had a free light from Buyster Lighting to give away to one of her readers. It is now in my possession.

I am thrilled to bits because I love free stuff, as my regular readers know well. The lantern is perfectly in keeping with the Queenslander house style too. Thank you very much Edwina!

We already have an outside lantern. Unfortunately, it is worn and cracked. It still works, so it wasn't high on the priority list for replacement. With our newly acquired light, lantern replacement has jumped up onto the list.

Lucrative business this blogging.

Old worn lantern and rusty ship's bell

See one of the cracks in the glass


  1. Congratulations on your wins Anita!! Great looking light! & I Love your bell! I was just thinking on this subject today! I kept thinking.. I never win anything & then bam! I won 4 times! I was so surprised! I really need to do a thankful post for my wins last year...

    Have you visited my blog recently? I posted a little video of our Blizzard we just had this weekend! I'm loving all this snow!! Josh is off school again because of it.

    I still have not figured out the name of that bush... Still trying

    Hope you guys had a great weekend!
    Big Hugs ~ Teresa

  2. Lucky you. I think that light will look great and I love your ships bell too> I won something last week, a compass decal from AM - very exciting cannot believe I actually won something. Time for you to have a giveaway.

    I know, what about some of that agave. xoxo

  3. Lucrative indeed - and this just the first of your wins! Love that old bell, and the sign in the background!

  4. Hurrah for you, Brismod! And may the good times continue. Let's start an international "Ha Ha I've won lots!" club. People will hate us, but that's the price to pay for the stash of goodies. Mind you, I haven't won anything in ages and must get commenting.

    Looking forward to seeing what else you've won!

  5. Well done Anita..stylish and free what a great combination. Spoke to myfriend about the agapanthus and she is happy to split some of hers up no worries so if you would like some let me know and I'll follow your lead and go and grab some, cheers Katherine

  6. Win number two will be away on Friday... hope it's as much of a pleasue to you ;-)


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