
Monday 29 March 2010

Art gallery wall

Inspired by the various art gallery walls seen in Blogtopia, we decided it was time to hang some of the pieces we had on the floor leaning against the wall in the study and our bedroom.

Jason is most helpful when it comes to matters of de-cluttering our floors, so with hammer and hooks in hand he proceeded to transform our bedroom wall. Our walls in this room are yet to be painted and will be a project for the latter part of this year.

It is very much an eclectic mix but each piece has a personal resonance. The large one on the top right is a poster I purchased when bumming around Papeete in the early 90s - it is a souvenir of when I was young and carefree.

The bird of paradise canvas is one I painted during a brief botanical phase I went through - the bird of paradise was from the garden at our last home.

The graphite drawing on the bottom left is of Number One and Two sons when I went through a portraiture phase and did not forsee Son # Three. He is too young to have a complex just yet.

Above that is abstract calligraphy on reclaimed wood which I received recently from the talented Ange. It is a Vincent Van Gogh quote: "I tell you, the more I think, the more I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people." I'm a fan of French Impressionism and like works which draw inspiration from artists who pioneered this style of painting.

Lastly, the small canvas at the top is of the view from the window of a very humble pensione Jason and I stayed in when we visited Florence. Our little room had a breathtaking view of the Duomo. I painted it during my landscape phase.

These pieces have instantly made our bedroom warmer...and happier.


  1. awesome collection. i love florence, and anges work is amazing. looks like you are equally talented.
    have a good week

  2. What a fantastic collection of art and I love that you have created most of it! You are very talented and so lucky to be able to create beautiful things! I prefer artwork that has a meaning for the owner, it makes it so much more special! xx

  3. Your husband did a great job of hanging these - I hang art exhibitions for a living so am very impressed at the end result here! A great little collection of art!

  4. I love eclectic groupings like this, and the fact that the common thread is how much they mean to you makes them really special. No wonder your bedroom feels happier! xx

  5. Looks fantastic you must show us more of your work!!

    By the way I much prefer your Blogtopia to the odious and overused Blogosphere.


  6. WOW! What a great way to find out about your hidden talents! I mean your bedroom wall is wonderful and everything - but your paintings are great. What are you waiting for?

  7. I didn't know you painted! These are lovely, and beautifully grouped too. The Bird of Paradise flower is very impressive. Maybe we can see more of your work? And, like Jane, I do like 'Blogtopia' and shall adopt it forthwith.

  8. I love a gallery wall. Yours looks great, love your pieces.

  9. Thanks everyone for your kind comments. Jason was chuffed that his picture hanging prowess was so admired. And Ange, what am I waiting for? Probably more talent...and more time.

  10. What a thrill to learn you paint. Perhaps you'll start a new blog devoted to this talent?


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