
Saturday 13 March 2010

Secret Austen tragic

I made my very first Etsy purchase. Purely on a whim. Sadly, it is pretty tame - a tea towel. But it makes me laugh.

And if I had a well-read daughter getting married, I would buy her this:

Too funny and it is all from here.

*Images courtesy of Brookish


  1. Love it. It is Austen isn't it. But sadly link 'no working' as my son would say. xoxo

  2. Thanks Jane. I fixed the "no working" link.

  3. Hi Anita, Great to see you today, next time we will have to have a cuppa. I love them both so much. What would we do without Mr Darcy, but I love the Mrs Bennett quote. Thanks for the link will go and check them out, cheers katherine

  4. Uh Oh... That's me alright! I'm heading over to purchase... Thanks for the shopping fix Anita!:)

  5. VERY cute, i love
    good purchase

  6. Oh wonderful! And what a great start to your etsy purchasing. With this evident ability of yours to find Good Stuff, you must never EVER buy anything more from etsy without telling us about it. Promise.

  7. Yup - too good to use on drying dishes too ;-)

  8. I just love them, Etsy is great isn't it? I am off to see that store now. Mel xxx

  9. Nice find. I wish I'd had the idea. But at least it came to someone who actually did something with it.

  10. So is this a useable tea towel or a show tea towel? You must come over here for a laugh as we have started The Tea Towel Club :)

  11. Welcome to the world of etsy! Hehe, good chance this won't be your last purchase, it's really addictive!


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