
Tuesday 23 March 2010

Vintage Tea Cosy

I was automatically drawn to this tea cosy which was sitting like a pariah on the shelves of the Annerley Lifeline shop. Looking for love.

When I walked into the store, I knew I had at last found the tea cosy of my dreams. This is the first tea cosy I have ever owned. Luckily, it was not an outrageous purchase to cater for my inner-granny.

After a quick soak with eucalyptus wool wash and some unceremonious tea cosy hat wearing by Son #3,  it is fit for our bland little tea pot.

Doesn't it look like a mutant pineapple? I should add a green crown of leaves. I can't fight my Queensland origins - I love it.


  1. totally cute. and it matches the glasses.
    have a great week

  2. I love it! It is so hard to actually find a tea cosy these days. What a lovely, lucky find. All you need now is a crochet and beaded cover for your milk jug and you'll be set for a lovely ladies afternoon tea. Meredy xo.

  3. It is must be that I am getting old, but I too am becoming more drawn to Queensland stuff. I felt myself pondering over a vintage tea towel, with fun pineapples, map etc, the other day, what could i do with you??? I resisted but I love the kitschness (spelling??) of it all. Sorry I havn't left a comment computer has reached its cap and is sooo slow and will not load pages, cheers Katherine

  4. Love the tea cosy! A great friend of mine has a super-kitsch pineapple ice bucket, which I just love for its outrageousness. G&T's taste so much better.

  5. Hi, I stumbled across from Small Acorns and your blog loks really interesting! I'm renovating my house too. Lots of fun :)
    I like the teacosy and yes, it does look like a pineapple!

  6. Ha! LOVE IT! Scary thing is I've been to most of those places on your list and NEVER miss a trip to the Big P, where most of my high school friends used to work, the Ginger Factory (so I don't have to refinance the house to buy Buderim Ginger in a local supermarket here), and of course 'STRAYA ZOO.'

    Let that inner granny OUT ;-)

  7. Love that retro pineapple mimicking tea cosy. That would make me smile each time I made a cuppa.


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