
Friday 2 April 2010

Hot Cross Buns, one ha' penny

two ha' penny, Hot cross buns.

Home-made hot cross buns for Good Friday are really the best. These were the nicest I had ever made. They were soft and light. Delicious. If you are toying with the idea of making some, it is well worth the effort.

I used an old Australian Women's Weekly recipe, which you can also find here.


  1. Gee wiz, they look great. I just finished a batch as well and they taste pretty good.
    I'll have to give the Womn's Weekly recipe a go.
    Yum, enjoy them with heaps of butter!

  2. Wow, they look sensational! I too would love them straight out of the oven with lashings of butter!

    I had every intention of baking hot cross buns but, well, you know the story! I will check out the recipe though, just to see if I could manage it!

    Best wishes,

  3. OK you totally rule the Easter cooking kitchen. These look awesome.

  4. I'm going to HAVE to do this aren't I?

  5. Oh wow, they look fantastic! We had hot cross buns but they weren't home made! Happy Easter! xx

  6. Oh geez, I haven't had breakfast yet! Looks yummy!

  7. geeez louiseee they look awesome!
    thanks for the recipe!

  8. I'd forgotten about hot cross buns. I don't think I've thought of them in years. How nice that you do this. Maybe I'll remember to try it next year. I've given up bread for Lent this year. Next year it should be something else. Like potato chips. Yes, it will definitely be potato chips.

    Happy Easter.


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