
Monday 26 April 2010

Painting the VJs

This ANZAC long weekend has been dedicated to painting the area under the casement windows in our bedroom. It is not an overly exciting job to write about....but it is looking very good indeed.

Painting the undercoat

Jason used builder's bog (a second best friend) to cover the nail holes and other imperfections in the wood and after it was dry, sanded it smooth.

We used a Dulux primer/sealer for the base coat, caulked any gaps with "No More Gaps" and  painted  two coats of Dulux 101 low sheen white for the the VJ board and two coats of Dulux high gloss white for the window trim and sill.

undercoat is on

We like a stark white despite it not being terribly fashionable. There are so many different whites but we like this one best. It also keeps it simple when we buy paint. No-brainers are our specialty.

Number 3 Son watching and hopefully learning from Dad. This photo is for Mise.

After this small section is done, Jason will  leave the rest of our bedroom incomplete, so that he can start work on Number 1 Son's bedroom. It was always our intention to make a start on his bedroom first since it is in the worst condition.

It should be interesting sleeping in a half-painted bedroom but I guess you learn to live with things like that when renovating. There are worse things.


  1. Was that a half dressed sexy Jason I just glimpsed in that photo!!!!

    I am with you on white. I used Antique USA for my son's bedroom because painter said it was best but buggered if I can tell the difference between that and normal plain white.

  2. It was - seriously, that is how he gets about the house. He did have a shirt on one morning when it was cold!! How interestng about your white experience though.

  3. Oh the joy of renovating and having half-finished jobs!! I'm living that too!
    Your windows are looking great though :)

  4. No rest for the wicked hey? It never ends... Looking great though. Did I mention I love your VJs (Yes Edwina, many times...)

  5. How exciting to see the painted VJs! It is all going to look fantastic.

    Love the cute little shot of No3 son! He seems to be very impressed with Dad's painting skills.

    Glad the day was a decorating success. Can't wait to see what you do next long weekend!

    Best wishes for the rest of the week,

  6. White paint, streaming sunshine, AND Jason: I don't really see how an image could get any better than that. Perhaps only if he were to stand on a pink and white striped winged Queen Anne armchair while painting.

  7. looks like its coming up a treat! how cute is no 3 watching on.

  8. How wonderful to have such a strapping husband painting around your house! I do love that white, unfashionable or not.

  9. Looking good and the white is so fresh! Love the windows too :)


  10. looking good.... paint and painter

  11. It's looking great Anita. I see Mise was very happy with the photo. xx

  12. There are so many whites out there it just gets confusing. I like your white. It's white. It looks great. Imagine how awesome it will be once the whole room is done... That's the thing with renovating, it's all about the imagining, isn't it?

  13. I'm a bit of a White paint girl myself but have to fight with the landlord about all this cream stuff he wants me to mix up if I paint the walls. SIGH! Hey - it's still not below freezing then with your sexy Jason barely dressed for the photo hey;-) Looking forward to seeing number one son's bedroom.
    Mine has a LOVELY frise that I wouldn't mind painting over. The joys of rented houses ;-)

  14. It's looking great. So fresh with the white paint. I love no. 3 looking on. Hopefully he is taking it all in and will grow up to be a very handy man.

  15. What a great blog you have here! We are also in the process of renovating an old Queenslander and all new to the DIY business. Was wondering where you got your nice window sill and trimmings from? Can you recommend a timber place in Brisbane? Had a look at Bunnings but they seem only to have a limited selection of porta mouldings.

  16. Thanks Fred. Finlaysons at East Brisbane is where we buy most of our timber trim.

  17. WHITE IS THE BEST! looks great! =)


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