
Sunday 30 May 2010

Painting a Pine Bookshelf - an interior colour

photo inspiration  found here

photo inspiration found here

Ok. For someone who is afraid of colour, I decided on black gloss acrylic (Dulux) to paint the inside of the bookshelf. I applied the first coat this afternoon, so there is no going back now.

And it looks good...well, it will look good after another two coats. The outside of the bookshelf needs one more coat of gloss white and then I have to undercoat and paint each shelf.

If the bookshelf was smaller I would've painted a more vibrant colour. I didn't want to suffer the inevitable painter's remorse on such a large piece. Black should remain relatively timeless and I will be less likely to tire of it.

I'll share some progress photos tomorrow.


  1. You are doing a great job, I can't wait to see it :-)

  2. Black sounds fantastic, can't wait to see your progress.

  3. Black is a great choice. I'm totally inspired by all this painting and scored a crappy old step ladder over the weekend that I can't wait to paint!

  4. Sounds great, can't wait to see the finished product.

  5. oh cool!! love the inspriations.

    looking forward to seeing it tomorrow. jxx

  6. Hi, I just discovered your blog via razmataz and I'm so glad. I'm enjoying your step-by-step process of painting this bookshelf. I have a similar dilemma, except that my pine bookcase was not a freebie. It was something I actually paid for in the days (more than 10 years ago) when I gravitated more toward country. I hate the country vibe it gives off now in my family room but have been wondering how to modernize it. I can't wait to see your finished bookcase.

  7. I love the photo of the wallpaper bookshelf...sure you don't want to try that!

  8. Looking wonderful, such a lot of hard work. Love reading about your progress and I know a piece of art takes time and is always a work in progress. No matter how much you utter those fatefull words.... I think I'm finished.Keep up the good work.

  9. Hi, I think the black will look glamorous and timeless. Can't wait to see the final product.

    By the way, just wanted to let you know I have passed a blog award on to you as I think your blog is very inspiring. Drop by and pick it up when you get some time. Michelle

  10. Can't wait to see what your bookshelf looks like - am very impressed!

  11. Your inspiration choice is doubt your own bookcase will be as well! Good Luck!


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