
Wednesday 9 June 2010

Black and white bookshelf progress

It's nearly finished. Yay! A few paint touch ups here and there with the shelves in place, then it should be ready to bring upstairs this weekend.

The paint work is ok. I think to obtain a perfect finish; a spray gun would have been invaluable. In hindsight, I probably shouldn't have used such high gloss paint; it tends to show the brush strokes. Despite painting along the grain it was hard to keep a straight and steady hand.

The cutting in with the black paint was the most difficult part but the end result is good.  I think what made this job difficult was the large size of the bookshelf. It would have been much easier if this piece was smaller, especially as it was my first furniture painting experience. You live and learn.

One thing for sure is the excellent advice from my fellow bloggers was gold. A big thanks for your assistance, because I really had no idea.

Looking at the above photo, it's hard to remember that it was originally a country pine wall unit. Paint really does transform all things.

I'll show you the photographs of the finished product soon.


  1. Looks fantastic - what a great job you've done! It is a bit tricky painting inside a bookcase like this, but the results are worth it. Can't wait for the big reveal! K xx

  2. Great job Anita. This wasn't an easy project to tackle as your first project so you should be very proud of yourself.
    It will look fantastic once you get it in position. Well done.

  3. Looking good! You've done a great job at banishing the country look - it looks very modern and graphic.

    Once you fill the bookshelf I think you will find that you won't notice any small imperfections.

  4. Hi Anita, you have done a great job! It looks terrific and I can't wait to see it in location and decorated with your funky retro items.
    Sometimes using a combination of brush for the groves and then a foam roller helps with high gloss paint. Hey, love those casements in the background... :-) Let me know if you are not going to re-use.

  5. Great job Anita! I think it is coming along nicely and you have a lot of patience getting the cutting in right! I am looking forward to seeing it in place. xx

  6. I think you've done a great job Anita, and are probably being a tad too hard on yourself. Once in position with all your lovely books and bits on it, and it will look fabulous. Amazing transformation!

  7. Looking very chic, as is the blog! Chic times at F&VJs.

    That's your new chic name too by the way.

  8. I am impressed - I think it looks great and can't wait to see all the photos!

  9. Out with the country in with the mod - well done. It will look fantastic when all done. Can't wait!!

  10. Love the black and white - can't wait to see it in its new spot with some pieces on it :)

  11. It's looking good. Can't wait to see it all styled up insitu!

  12. What a transformation. Gosh, I wouldn't worry about the odd brushstroke, you wont notice those little things when it's full of your goodies :)
    I agree, spray guns are great - I think the finish on my shelves was really heped by spray painting them - though it's a messy process :)

  13. Well done on your bookcase I think once all your little bits and pieces go in you will never see those brush strokes and I think the gloss will actually shine through very nicely. Well done.

  14. I love black & white. Its looking great, can't wait to see the final pics with it all styled, you wont be able to stop looking at it.

  15. It's coming along great! High gloss black paint is not an easy paint to work with (learned that lesson when I painted the front door).

  16. awesome job really has transformed
    ive picked out a few more pieces to paint now too. not till i move tho because im not sure what i want.



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