
Sunday 6 June 2010

Blog makeover

Fun and VJs has had a mini makeover. A few botox injections here and there to make it easier to use and nicer to look at. It certainly looks a lot more fun than before!

Many thanks to the very lovely Katrina  who writes her self-titled blog Katrina Chambers and A Very Fine House - she zhushed my blog after I entered her blog makeover competition and won!

She was so nice to work with and is incredibly clever. I'm over the moon with the new look especially since I am a html dunce.

Since this blog is a renovation blog we kept the picture of the house in the banner in all its pre-renovation glory - it is the number one star of the blog after all. The other embellishments are a nod to the mid century vibe we have going in the house.

There are still a few areas under construction and I will have to reinstate my blog list over the coming days. Also, please let me know if you encounter any difficulties with anything on the blog.

Thanks again Katrina!


  1. Absolute pleasure! Thanks for being so patient! Enjoy xxo.

  2. I think you already have your "silk purse".
    Katrina you have done an amazing job. xox

  3. Anita, the make over is just perfect. It reflects your blog and style so well. Katrina is a very clever girl. Well done to you both.

  4. It looks fantastic!! It's funny, a friend and I were wondering on Friday how to get those pages etc. to work on our blogs ..... guess we need a katrina makeover too. Everything looks pretty swish - well done. Michelle

  5. Love the new look....but then again it does highlight a certain I might be biased, I am HTML challenged too, well done on the comp. Cheers katherine

  6. Looks great! Good work Katrina.

  7. Look at you! Too cute. Makes for an easy read. Well done!

  8. Oh lovely! Clearer and brighter and you have more space for your text and images. It looks professional and smart.

  9. That does look good - congratulations!

  10. I love the makeover - all very fresh and updated, exactly like where you are taking your home. Congrats.

  11. Oh it's fabulous and really sets the vibe of your whole reno. Isn't Katrina a clever chook and so full of life too. A-M xx

  12. Looks really great Anita!! I've always loved those little links at the top & wondered how it's done.. Katrina is very talented & Congrats on winning her giveaway! She's not only talented but very generous too!

    Hope all is well with you guys! We are having bad T-storms here.. Hopefully I dont get zapped! lol!
    Big Hugs ~ Teresa

  13. Fantastic blog make-over Anita! You must be so happy with the fresh, new look.
    How's this amazing supposedly-winter weather we're having. This is my 3rd QLD winter and I still can't believe how warm it is.
    Have a great week:o)

  14. Gorgeous! I love the new layout. Very web-savvy (is that even a word??). Suffice to say it ROCKS! Meredy xo.

  15. that looks great!! love the wide format, if i wasn't such a tech dunce, i'd try it too!jxx

  16. Love it Anita, how lucky you were to win this great makeover. Katrina has done a sensational job. Don't know how she does it - clever girl

  17. Very flash!!! Well done on the win and to Katrina for capturing your theme...

  18. I love it! Well done Katrina it looks fantastic.

  19. This is fabulous! I love everything you and Katrina did. Are you staying with blogger?

    Thanks for your comments about my kitchen too-you are so sweet! I love those dish carriers-you will be happy your got them!

    Have a great week and happy blogging!

    Best wishes,

  20. Looks fantastic - retained the vibe but just a bit smarter. xoxo

  21. Looks so fresh and modern, I love it!

  22. Katrina is very clever! Your blog looks great, you must love it..Rachaelxx

  23. Fabulous new look!
    Millie ^_^


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