
Tuesday 1 June 2010

New specs, birthdays and painter's tape

image from here

I bought some new specs recently. They are black with green trim and are made by Collette Dinnigan. Not personally I assume. They are my favourite glasses ever. You cannot hide discretely from your short-sightedness in these.

And here is what they look like on my visage courtesy of our computer's webcam. A challenging photograph to take without looking cross-eyed.

The youngest member of the household celebrated his second birthday yesterday. I know, no fancy schmancy cake; just home-made chocolate cake. A Devil's Food Cake to be precise, in honour of the former little angel entering the terrible twos. I think he has fully embraced this next stage in life. He did have a nice day though.

And I'm still working on those bookshelves. I am really grateful for all of your advice because it has been incredibly useful. I bought real painter's tape rather than the cheap stuff (that I would normally buy) and invested in a good angled brush. It makes the job easier.

I'm just painting the fiddly bits at the moment and I hope to have it finished on the weekend. Jason helped me lift the bookshelf up so that it is standing upright. It is looking great. There is nothing country style about the bookshelf now.


  1. Wow, Collette Dinnigan glasses...I want! They're really cool.
    Happy birthday to your little one, I hope the had a fun day :)
    ps looking forward to the reveal!

  2. Good move buying the real painters masking tape and good brush for a professional finish. Can't rush a job well done huh!

  3. Those glasses look pretty snazzy - all the better to see your lovely new bookcase with! K xx

  4. oh they're cool, love them. i need to go sort out some new ones too after super gluing hte arm back on for the fourth time over the weekend! didn't know CD did glasses, will look out for them.

    hope the little guy had a cool bday!


  5. Yaaay for no more country! Your glasses are quite stylish and look great on you. I wear square-shape glasses as well, though I don't know if I'll have the courage ever to post a pic of me wearing those on my blog.

  6. Yes I think if you are going to wear glasses (as I do when not wearing contacts) they should not be shrinking violet ones. Didn't know Miss Dinnigan did glasses. What next? bed linen? Shampoo? She does have rather nice hair. Lucky you with a three year old. Am wishing this year will pass quickly with mine.

  7. Thanks for the tip about the CD eyewear eye candy. I am soooo in need of new glasses. Have given up pretending that I don't need bifocals or multi depressing! Happy birthday to the new two year old..ah those were the days. And I saw you on Remodelaholic earlier...I love it when someone I 'know' appears there...well done!


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