
Wednesday 30 June 2010

West German Pottery

Retro collection of West German Pottery 

It seems like all the groovy people collect West German Pottery. You know who you are if you are reading this.

And now I am groovy too. An instant collection from ebay for $15. They are now sitting in all their textured glory on an old Ranleigh tray in the dining room, but they will move around when we ever get around  finish renovating the sun room.

On that front, we are still waiting for Carlo the Electrician to come back to complete the rewiring in this room - his apprentice is back in college and we may not see them for a few weeks yet. At least it means more time to scout around for lights, which is quite depressing.

Chain store lighting is a challenge. They don't seem to have what I like as most of  it went out of fashion at least 30 years ago.

Anyway. I saw this light which took my fancy. Perhaps for the master bedroom.

Poppy Decke/Wand
Image from here

It looks like something alive, especially with its 15 moveable arms that open when the light is switched on. I think it will be too expensive. I might email the store and get a price so I can rule it out.

My guess is that it is in the $1500 mark. Am I in the ball park? Or way off? Who knows? What do you think? 


  1. I don't think you need to buy the whole thing, just break off a bit and it will propagate itself...

  2. Bahahaha to Tricia's comment above... also, when did the memo about being groovy and West German pottery go out? I must have missed mine. Although, I guess if you don't just instinctively know these things then you're not groovy at all...

  3. LIghting is my bete noire (what? You say - I only have one).

    I really do believe that this country is very poorly served - lights are either Italian or Danish and extremely expensive or chainstorey and crap and very cheap.

    I guess second hand might be a good way to go. Maybe Etsy? Maybe markets? ????

    As for that light you may be surprised. I agree it will probably be over $1000 though. Wouldn't it give you nightmares, those Dr Who things coming down to grab you?.

    Like your pottery photo by the way.

  4. Fifteen bucks for instant cooldom - that's great! Oh tradies...aren't they fun? I can say that because I live with one. Although we actually had one call us the other day and then actually turn up to give us a quote! It was a bit overwhelming!
    Yep, the poppy (whoops, almost a typo and put 'poopy' instead) light looks very expensive!!

  5. Okay, I'm not sure about being 'groovy' but yes I am guilty of having german pottery. Goes hand-in-hand with the retro thing! Can't believe you got all of those vases for $15!!! I need to check ebay for pottery more often - they are all gorgeous ... and I would say worth around that each. Enjoy! Michelle

  6. Bargin, gotta love ebay......drool drool drool, I love them, no surprise there....the light is pretty amazing reminds me of maybe very appropriate for the boudoir haha, cheers katherine

  7. Nice pick up on ebay... I'm not sure about the light sorry. Reminds me of some old movie about tomatoes... If it works for you that is all that matters! ;-)

  8. It totally looks alive! Amazing!


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