
Saturday 10 July 2010

Danish tile top table

mid century Danish tile table

Our friends, Chris and Susan, lent us their Danish tile top table because they no longer have room for it at their place. It's great because we can road test it and use it without any commitment. We can hang on to it for as long as we like until we get sick of it or if I find a small sideboard or cabinet to replace it.

It will fill the void that is currently in the back corner of our sun room.

I also have a new ugly lamp which I snapped up from Katherine at theoldboathouse. It gives a lovely warm glow in this room. The etching in the background is from local Brisbane artist, Helen Kennaugh.

Look at the gorgeous pattern on the tiles

Tonight, I'm off to Chris and Susan's place to watch a play which they are staging at their house - Journey to Milan by Lorna Bol. Not too many people put on salon theatre these days, but it is such a fab night enjoying the arts in such an intimate setting.

Our t.h brown bar stools, viking chairs and coffee table will be part of the stage props. They were whisked away this afternoon. Our furniture will be famous!!

 So long furniture

A funky stage


  1. Hope you had a great time at the "Theatre"! Did you take some pictures of the beautiful designed set? Hope so!

    Great table and lamp too.

    Can you believe the school holidays are over already? I am really going to miss my sleep-ins and, of course, my kiddies!

    Best wishes,

  2. Hi Anita, I like the tiled table and I think your lamp and decor look great on it. Sounds like you have a very cultural night, I hope you enjoyed it and had a great time! What an honour to have your furniture centre stage (literally!).... ;-)

  3. wow i love that idea, what a fantastic way to stage a play. hope you had a great time.

  4. Great little table and fantastic that its on loan and you can decide if you love it enough to replace it with your own...great idea for your night out.

  5. I loooove the table and that lamp! The intimate theatre sounds great ... hope you (and your furniture) had a fantastic night. Michelle

  6. WOW sounds like fun, love your table & lamp Im really liking orange accents!!!

  7. Wow salon theatre how fantastic. Love your tile top table, looks perfect with your vases. Your lamp looks great, did you try the other shade?, cheers katherine

  8. Hope you had a fab time at the theatre. That lamp reminds me of some my parents had....wish I had kept them....soooo retro...great style!!!

  9. It makes up for the living room not being on tv. Being in a Chris and Susan production is way cooler!


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