
Sunday 25 July 2010

The deck

How sad! Down to three chairs.

I've not taken any official before shots of the deck. It is huge. Mostly because it was extended, hence the row of posts in the middle of the deck.

You can also just see that when it was extended, they used different timber decking. Most people don't notice (or they are very polite) until we point it out. Not ideal but I guess old houses have their quirks.

The heritage colour scheme will go at some point and we plan to remove most of the lattice. We don't really see the point of the lattice, as it obscures our view and with the deck being quite high, there are no privacy issues.

We use our covered deck quite a lot - it really is an extra room for us. Unfortunately, we have been using it less as the outdoor deck chair situation worsens - they are perishing and we are down to the last three chairs.

The chairs are really not worth saving...for us at any rate. We've had them for the last 12 years, so it's time for some new outdoor furniture. The old table is still okay and we'll be able to keep it as a spare table for downstairs.

Row of posts 

With just over a month before the start of spring, we've ordered new outdoor furniture. Yay! It is very exciting. It will be ready in a month and I will share photos when it arrives.

The back deck and that's Buster the Budgie in the corner


  1. That's one hell of a good deck! Look forward to seeing what furniture you've chosen.

  2. That's a great deck Anita. Your chairs have lasted pretty well by the looks of it.
    We have a similarly large deck and my husband and son spent the best part of yesterday afternoon hammering in extra nails as whoever built the deck originally didn't do the best job.
    You mentioned Spring coming soon... I don't remember having Spring last year, maybe I blinked and missed it ;o)

  3. What a great deck, a nice place to enjoy a wine after a hard days renovating...can't wait to see what furniture you ended up purchasing, no doubt it will look fantastic!!!!

  4. How great to have such a big deck! Looking forward to seeing the new chairs ... Jane :)

  5. That is a great deck you have there-it's huge! I can't wait to see how the new furniture looks.

    We just bought the kids a budgie last week-Chester! Buster's cage looks full of interesting things. I think we might be depriving our poor budgie of "stuff"-better look into that ASAP!

    Have a great week Anita.

    Best wishes,

  6. What a cute budgie in the corner! Your deck is amazing! The roof does make it more of an outdoor room. I get that feel from your pictures. Love it!


  7. Hi Anita, love your huge deck (major deck envy here...). Can't wait to see your new furniture, how exciting for you. Glad to also see Buster the budgie, we have 'Jellybean' the budgie!

  8. Nice, I very much say get rid of the lattice.
    What direction does your deck face? I'm thinking about blinds of some sort for ours as it faces east and can be a killer in the morning.

  9. Hi Anita, Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog. I think most of us go through the 'how sad only three chairs left' syndrome. Thanks for your down to earth and very honest post I loved it.

  10. Great deck - I'm jealous! Our back verandah is too shallow, so it's definitely on the list to extend and renovate. And as for your chairs, we had a similar problem, except it was our labrador who was the culprit - he decided old deck chairs were perfect teething rusks! Happily, the chewing stopped as soon as his new teeth came through, but I can tell you, he did some major damage to our outdoor furniture! K xx

  11. A fabulous deck! And yes, old houses = quirk but that's fine (or so I tell myself!). I really like those fancy doors too. I can see whay you spend a lot of time out there :)

  12. Your deck is huge and it is wonderful that you have ordered your new furniture but the most exciting thing for me was that Spring is just over a month away! Yay!! xx

  13. oh I love a good deck. We have one but it is shelterless. Doesn't matter much as we have an umbrella. It is so important to have comfortable seats isn't it. Otherwise it just never gets used.

  14. I think you need to visit the garden Centre...that is cottage garden nursery of course...haha and get some nice architectural plants like some yukkas etc maybe a nice hanging basket for that good old Qld tropical feel as part of the revamp...what do you think?

  15. I love your deck too. No doubt you will enjoy spending more time there in summer.

  16. That's a mighty fine deck. Do the children rollerskate around with the posts as obstacles?

  17. what a huge space - lucky duck! look forward to seeing what you do.

  18. What an awesome deck! Can't wait to see the new chairs.


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