
Sunday 26 September 2010

Bye-Bye lattice and hello Queenslander architectural art

This weekend we removed an enormous piece of lattice from the back deck. Don't fret. It wasn't original to the house.

The space above the rails is where the lattice used to be

We felt it was superfluous to our needs, since we have large leafy trees which offers us all the privacy we require on that particular side of the deck. Removing the lattice has made the space feel less claustrophobic.

It used to look like this.

Painting the exterior continued despite the adverse weather conditions. The area was completely undercover though.
This shirtless shot is especially for you Jane. xx

Jason worked like a Trojan. (Fortuitously, his middle name is Troy. Ha! His Mum should be proud he's living up to his namesake).

Some after shots of the deck this evening

We've used the dark brown trim colour for see if we like it.

I tried to take some photographs, but it was getting dark and they do not do Jason's painterly efforts justice. Anyway, there is still a lot of work to be done.

On another topic, there is an exhibition which celebrates the Queenslander House showing at the Ipswich Art Gallery. It was mentioned on the ABC's Stateline program on Friday, which you can watch, if you click on the link (it's only three minutes of footage).

Ipswich is 40km southwest of Brisbane and is one of the oldest provincial cities in Queensland. Its well-preserved heritage Queenslander homes are considered the city's greatest assets. Housing is still extremely affordable in this neck of the woods too.

Thirteen contemporary Queensland artists, such as Michael Zavros, were commissioned to complete "house portraits" using a range of mediums, providing their perspective of Ipswich's architectural history.

Great for the Queenslander house junkie. It closes 14 November.


  1. Yes, much better without the lattice - what was it doing there in the first place?! I would like to see an 'after' shot of him putting his foot in the huge tub of paint as he gets off the ladder, Brismod!

  2. Yay, I'm all for removing lattice - I removed a LOT of it when we moved here! When did it become a fashionable screening tool? It's one of my pet hates, particularly when it is not doing a thing to improve said house!
    Your deck area is looking fantastic, and I still like the brown trim.
    Thanks for sharing the details of the exhibition too. Michelle

  3. Thanks Michelle for the nice comments.

    And Tom, I presume it was there to provide privacy from the neighbours, but I also suspect some people get lattice-happy when they renovate an older home. I'm waiting for that after shot opportunity too.

  4. Your deck looks absolutely fabulous. All that's needed now is sitting out there with a gin and tonic!

  5. That looks so so much better, Thanks for the topless shot. You see, with blogging it is all about consistency. You start with topless shots you gotta keep going with it.


  6. Looking so good, so crisp and clean. My kingdom for a handyman husband! A-M xx

  7. Everything looks so clean and nice! Lattice!! I can see its use, but it's annoying isn't it? Sometimes it's therapeutic to demolish things.

  8. It's looking fabulous. I love the bar under the window - I'd never get Lyndon away from there. He loves to lean on something while he has a beer :)

  9. Looks guys are making huge progress. My house is in that exhibition you are talking about!

  10. Looking wonderful...have you thought any more about painting the timber on the windows? I am liking the brown....and loving the no lattice, cheers Katherine

  11. I love that bar, have a friend who would kill for one of those. As for the lattice, a brilliant move to get rid of it! As for topless, keep em coming:)

  12. Great move re: lattice removal. Huge improvement! I was recently in Ipswich collecting a couple of items and oh my, so many gorgeous Queenslanders. I was wanting to teleport one back to my block and replace my post war crazy,(Okay I do love my cottage and shouldn't call her crazy), but I had a moment... or ten...
    What a good man Jason is with the painting. It's really all looking fantastic. :)x

  13. looks brilliant darl, so much better being opened up like that. And love that seriving bar, i could spend a fair bit of time there i reckon!! jx


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