
Thursday 9 September 2010

Deck check

Spring has seen us emerge from the innards of the Sow's Ear and we are enjoying the outdoors more.

During the last few weeks, we've been giving the garden some much needed attention, but it has a long way to go.

Since we are outdoors more, we've noticed how grotty the concrete paths and deck have become. A good friend lent me her high pressure cleaner so I could clean the concrete under the deck and give the deck a spruce.

While cleaning, I inadvertently blasted one of the deck railings off, revealing some major wood rot.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, why is it that one minor job always leads to another? And it is always more substantial than the first job...

Just as well. It is better to notice now, rather than to discover it in the event of an accident. Two-year old Son# 3 will, no doubt, thank us when he is alive to see his third birthday.

Anyhow, it is a timely reminder that we need to check the deck - floor boards, joists and railings. There have been too many deck accidents in Queensland. The deck collapse two years ago in the suburb of Ascot, killing one and injuring several others, still sends shivers up my spine.

If you are reading this Mr Rooney, our esteemed builder and descendant of the Rooney & Co timber merchants, who pioneered Queenslander architecture (we like to know the lineage of our builders)...

We might need your help.


  1. It's a very beautiful doubt about that. I'm sure it will repay you in hours of deck gazing when it's fixed and as you say...a safe two year old wrecker!

  2. Aren't you glad that you found it now? So lucky Anita. And you are right, decks are so worth checking, we have just completed our once over. Good luck.

  3. Well we sealed off the front steps after the pre-purchase inspection and have since pulled them down as you know. Best to sort it out before any accidents occur. I remember that deck collapse in Ascot, so very very sad... I am sure yours will be looking wonderful again in no time and you can continue enjoying it well into summer knowing you are safe! ;-)

  4. Yikes! But it's lovely to be outside again.

    You were meant to find it so soon before an accident made you aware.

    Pressure hose would have been fun though! I love a good cleaning.

  5. That is a bit frightening isn't it. We had white ants in our house and our walk through wardrobe area was just resting on one little square of wood. And I hate hearing about those balcony accidents. Without being negative the issue is that if you have a bit there it may be elsewhere. Get a proper check done!! xo

  6. I have shivers just reading this!! Hope it's not too bad... Fingers crossed, cheers katherine

  7. I hope it is not that bad! It is such a lovely deck, I wish I had one like this. xoxo, Monika

  8. No, not your lovely deck, how frustrating. Its always at a time when you have plans to spend your money elsewhere, when these things appear. Best to know you & your family are safe though. Good Luck!!

  9. Aaahhh, the joys of old houses, eh? Love that character, but boy it's time consuming. Hopefully just a minor glitch and your trusty builder will have it sorted before it gets too hot.

    Jennifer XX

  10. The classic scenario is when you decide to just 'patch up' that few square inches of loose plaster on the wall of a Georgian house...

  11. Oh thank goodness you found it now! I noticed that Ascot home is up for sale at present... so, so tragic. A-M xx

  12. I love my high pressured hose. I was going to say that house was for sale but AM beat me to it- I remember watching it on the news- awful.

  13. Such a familiar story! I'll just clean the deck and paths turns into a full-scale engineering situation and major works! Yes, but the same as what we said, best to know now :)
    Remind me never to high pressure clean the exterior to our house - it would probably fall apart!!

  14. We have the exact same problem here. If you are going to buy materials yourself I have found a really cheap company. Let me know if you want their details.

  15. Thanks! Yeah, I'd love to know the details Lou. Would you be able to email them to me? xx


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