
Sunday 19 September 2010

Exterior house painting

What started as a small weekend task has ballooned to a larger full-scale task.

This morning Jason woke up grumpy, as you do when your reveille is interrupted at 5.30am by small but pesky children.

The way he manages his rage is to do some jobs around the house, like undercoating a couple of weatherboards on the deck. Again, as you do.

These new boards were added when we had the bi-fold kitchen windows installed last year.
We never got around to painting them.

But one can't stop at just a couple of boards. One must paint the entire wall.

One section of the deck undercoated. The final coat will be white.

And then one must go to Bunnings and buy a sample pot of a contrasting paint trim for the external sills, door thresholds, guttering and fascias boards.

The trim is a dark muddy brown, almost black in some light.

The brown trim is called Peppercorn Rent which is a strange thing to call poo brown. This is just a low sheen sample. The final coat will be glossier.

Looks like we are embarking on our exterior house painting journey. One wall at a time. I wonder how long this will take?

Anyway, what do you think of the trim colour? Too brown? Or should we just do the trendier dark grey or steely blue? Speak now or forever hold your tongue.


  1. I can sense the cranky-fuelled industriousness ... you sort of have to leave them alone, don't you?

    Dark grey.

  2. I like the trim colour. That is a big job. Done by Xmas? Or maybe before?

  3. The new paint colour looks nice and fresh - it's hard to comment on the trim colour without seeing a larger photo of the area - I like dark grey too but I'm sure this colour will suit your place nicely x

  4. I shall be brave and say I am quite anti brown - sorry. It reminds me of mission brown which should forever be banned! So I am going with the trendy dark grey or steely blue you suggested. There I have spoken and hope you will still speak to me? Can't wait to see it all finished and sounds like it won't be too long if Jason keeps going like he did today. ;-)

  5. Hmmmm you've really started something that's a lot of work. As to colour its so hard to say. I admit I am a bit over the dark grey and steely blue as I guess I live in a suburb where this is about quite a bit. I like a paler grey or a nice bold black if I had to choose a different colour to your brown. I think this brown may grow on me with the contrast of the white particularly if it is gloss and I honestly think it will work with what you are doing with your garden and interior which I always think is a consideration, aswell as the colour of the window glass etc. Can't wait to see more.

  6. hello, i'm only a new reader to your blog, but personally i would move away from the brown and head towards a nice crisp black or grey like you said.. but that said, i would consider what sort of colour scheme you want/ have for your interiors. if your furniture is more towards browns & taupes, then the muddy brown will work, but if you have more grey or colourful furniture, then i would go for the neutral bright white & crisp black/ charcoal grey colour scheme. that's my 2 cents worth anyway :)

  7. I think the brown you have chosen is so close to black that it will look great. Way more interesting than the grey. Friends just did a very very pale peppermint green with a similar dark brown trim on their Queenslander. Now, it may sound like a chocolate peppermint nightmare but it actually turned out really well.
    I had to laugh about your painting project though - could turn out like the harbour bridge - you just get to the other end and have to start all over again! Hopefully this will not be the case.

  8. I think steer clear of the grey/steely blue. Looking at the colour palette and the style/era you like the dark brown will look good when it all 'comes together'. You can't have those orange tables without something a bit more groovy right?! :) I must say I love the contrast of white and black - always looks great. Good luck!

  9. Ah, my kids always spoil the whole weekend sleep in fantasty too!!! I think you have great style & whatever you choose will look awesome. I myself am not a brown fan & try to live in a brown free zone. Have a great week!!!

  10. Does the colour of Oreos come in paint? That would be my brown/black choice :-)

  11. Like that colour;) Nile Clay is a good neutral sort of Dulux colour also but maybe too light for this job?? There's also a colour I love in Resene. It's called Barbeque. Quite a dark brown and has a tiny hint of a maroon tone. (Go QLD, LOL) Captain KK makes a few good points..Terese

  12. Wish my hubby would get all industrious when in a bad mood! For what it's worth, I'd either make the brown a little more 'bitter' with the addition of a little black, or go for a nice, crisp charcoal instead. Just my two cents worth, so feel free to disregard my advice. Looking good though! Kxx

  13. Nice!like that colour , so interesting...Thank you for sharing it.

  14. I actually like the colour. I think the greys would look great also but with your interior styling and exterior furniture pieces this brown will be a great highlight. I love that it may look brown black in some light also. If you can mix in some stained timber around the place it will really balance the brown and add some extra depth.
    I love that hubby turns frustration into hard work.

  15. I'll say dark grey, if Jason doesn't mind. But if that's a bother for him I'll say this one is lovely.

  16. Brown is just okay. Do you really like white huh? But anyway, white is a perfect color especially when your house is not located in a busy street.


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