
Thursday 28 October 2010

Still unpacking

It's nearly 18 months since we moved to the Sow's Ear and I still have boxes that are unpacked. They are under the house in the gimp room.

Today I sorted through some of the last remaining things, which were mostly photographs and books. I had actually forgotten what were inside the boxes...

Some of the books and albums unpacked

I found my dictionary (I've been using Google to look up words!), some French books, old university text books and two well-used Let's Go travel books from 1990s. It's a big reminder of a life before children!

I was overjoyed to be reunited with them, especially as I thought they had been given away during the great moving purge of 2009.

And then there were the dozen or so photo albums. I've missed having them near too. Nearly all of our photographs are in albums, but that's probably because most of my photos predate digital photography.

Our book shelf situation is quite lean - it will be culling and sorting time again. The hoarder in me hates this task. If only we had a dedicated library in this house...because I dread being ruthless with books. Or anything really.

So, do you still have unpacked moving boxes? And how do you store all of your books and photo albums? Are you ruthless?


  1. When we moved here ten years ago I was responsible for all boxes except the 'shed' box which contained tools etc. 5 years later it was still unpacked. Moral: just unpack all the boxes yourself.

    You should get your photos scanned and put on disc, lots of people offer that service now. Because they do discolour with age I have noticed that with my wedding photos.

    ps don't throw your books out, buy some more shelves, paint them and turn your living room into a library.

  2. Yes, I do have unpacked boxes since we moved here in March this year and am frustrated about that. Your post has made me feel a little better though.. and I too, purged before we moved. x

  3. How fun to re-discover your treasures. I too have Let's Go books circa '95. I remember noticing when all the internet cafes popped up and seeing all the travellers oozing out, writing home. Even that's passe as they now carry laptops. I used to phone home (with a pay phone - no mobile), and write. I think photos in albums are much nicer than on a screen. Something tactile, slow and lovely the care that people take making albums. A library room with comfortable chair, would be heaven! x

  4. OMG, someone who refers to little rooms as gimp rooms too! We always have one room in the house that is the gimp room... last place it was the frog/gimp room/my study. I don't think it is possible to have a conversation with one of my brothers without the word gimp being thrown in somewhere... it's a family tradition. I read this post with envy... all my books and albums are in the shed... who knows when I will see them again... how long is a piece of string?... enjoy your photos! A-M xx

  5. Unpacking is always a process but it looks like you are well on the way. There is also an element of fun to it which you are finding out.

  6. I find the gimp room idea a little disturbing but that could be the Catholic school girl in me... we are down to five unpacked boxes and that is a record in our lives! Books and photo albums and CDs. What on earth does one do with CDs? The new drink coaster? Who still uses drink coasters?

    You could turn your gimp room (shudder) into a library... it would sound better....

  7. I have quite a lot of boxes, not to mention all the stuff I left at my parents before I moved into my apartment! Whoops. I really struggle with getting rid of books. I say keep everything apart from totally useless books that you will never care to look at again. They can find a new home at Vinnies. Having sai that, I am yet to drop off all of my unwantd things at Vinnies!!
    ps you have a lovely kitchen!

  8. I love the way you refer to the room as the 'gimp' room!!

    It is so cool to unpack boxes and look at your old stuff, but I must say I love chucking out stuff too. I am with you about books though - they are the only thing I have trouble throwing out. Good luck with it all x

  9. So nice to discover old treasures like that. Our photo albums are kept on the bookcase in the Family Room. I also have lots of photos around the house.

  10. Yes, guilty. I moved over a year ago and still have unpacked boxes - lots of them. Most of them are from three houses/4 years ago so I'm guessing I don't really need that stuff, right?

    As for photo albums, I am hopeless, most of my photos are stuffed into boxes in no particular order. Even our wedding album isn't finished and that was over six years ago. Hopeless.

  11. If they weren't so heavy to send, wouldn't it be good fun to have a global swop of unpacked boxes? My unwanted wedding presents (I loved them all, really) in exchange for your second-last curtains.

  12. We keep very few and I mean very few books even though Kristen would read about 2-3 a week. They are huge dust catchers and they take up too much room in my small house...and when we go to estates it is a reminder of how much small creatures like to eat them. Instead we give them to others to read and then pass on or we give them to mum for her church garage sales. I keep my photos in a small trunk in the front room so it is easy to grab if the place goes up in smoke. Oh and I thought of your gimp room only recently when I found out I have a friend with a real one under her house and dungeon.....the things that happen in brissie

  13. haa..... gimp. we used to call ours the spider room. it was not pretty
    photos are all in bins or on the computer. i suck at organizing. all my stuff is in storage right now, and i cant seem to let go of books.

  14. I love books and because we've been living in the city (tiny space) before , i stopped myself from getting lots. Now we moved and got space and I swore I'll have a nice bookshelf to fill. It will be almost a year since our move and like you, I still got boxes (of toys) to sort out. I dread it.

  15. Ha ha, the Gimp Room! Very funny.. I was out in the garage yesterday and found boxes that I'd forgotten about. I'm wondering where on earth I'm going to fit whatever is in them! Rachaelxx


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