
Sunday 26 December 2010

Boxing Day 2010

Boxing Day 2010 in Brisbane has been miserably wet.

It started off well with Panettone for breakfast with our morning coffee.

Panettone. It wasn't as nice as the one we had on Christmas day. This one was too dry...we still ate it though!

Afterwards, Jason decided he should tackle painting our master bedroom which has been in a confused state of custard cream and stark white for the past eight months.

This is a picture of our bedroom as it looked a day or so ago.
I bought new Orla Kiely pillowcases on sale a week ago at Myer. I blatantly copied this look from Captain KK. Thanks Captain!
See what I mean by confused. This is a really old and daggy photo, but it shows the half-arsedness of renovating a bedroom.

Today was the day to finally finish what was started when the windows were renovated all those months ago. I can't wait! 

It will be really good to have a nice bedroom.

Shirtless Jason preparing the drop sheets for the walls and floors. This photo is dedicated to Jane, whom I hope is recovering well after surgery.x

Tarped up!


  1. Oh so I'm not the only one working today, good to see!

  2. Brismod - I have been reading your blog for a while now and never commented but time has come - and i have had a few wines this boxing day and feeling a little more game than normal! I love your blog and following your renovation. we have lots in common. We have been slowing renovationg our Queenslander over the last few years and have only just - in the last few days moved into our new bedroom - and yes, it is lovely to have a nice bedroom. Good luck with the painting and i can't wait to see the "after" photos!

  3. Kitty, no rest for the weary!!

    kma, thank you for the lovely comment. I'm glad you can relate to what I've written. Lucky you to have a nice bedroom. Also, have a another wine for me while you're at it! xx

  4. Brismod, how exciting to have a freshly painted bedroom. It'll feel brand new.

    I love your pillowcases ... I was flicking through the Boxing Day sale catalogues this morning and thinking, 'the only thing that'd get me into a department store would be a set of Orla Kiely sheets!' Needless to say, I never left home. Seeing your pillowcases will have to be enough! They're beautiful.

    Wonderful to have Jason at home to get even MORE work done than he usually does!

  5. Hiya, can't believe Jason has been preparing your bedroom for painting, we have had a lazy day here down south, and a bottle of wine also :) Your windows looks gorgeous , Tamara

  6. It is going to be lovely. Those windows are so fabulous. Good for him getting down to it on Boxing Day.

  7. ♫•*¨*•.¸¸ merry Xmas! ¸¸.•*¨*•♫

  8. Would Jason like to pop over to ours for a quick sherry before he tackles the finer detail?

  9. Has Jason got ink? As in a tat? He is in great shape! Meanwhile so good to see you eating panetonne. We eat them maniacally but I agree this year they've been a bit dry.

  10. Shirtless Jason, up a ladder, doing his thing. A present to us all. Now stop reading the comments Jason and get back to work. Your readers are waiting for the bedroom reveal ( The paintwork I mean).

  11. Gosh! That's super industrious for a boxing day activity ... I think I ate and slept away most of the day! ;)

    It has been so wet and rainy in Brisbane this year ... in fact, I don't remember a December being like this before.

  12. How has Jason found painting with this ridiculous humidity? My tiled floors have been feeling damp for several days now and I'm over it.

    Bravo on getting to work on Boxing day. You are both an inspiration.


Love to read your comments