
Wednesday 29 December 2010

Work, work, work and play

Did I mention that I got a new camera for Christmas? It is still a point and shoot but it has more features than just the basic model I had previously.

Today, I've been playing with the automatic and the manual settings on my new toy.

Jason, on the other hand has been working hard, as illustrated in the next picture.

Jason painting the undercoat onto our bedroom walls. Automatic shot
Jason's taking advantage of the drier weather to finish painting the deck and our bedroom. The incessant rain and the high humidity over the past few days has made painting inside really difficult too. Today is much better.

Anyway, I stumbled on a great little post about taking better interior shots for one's blog. It is from Centsational Girl and it explains how to use your manual setting and to disregard your automatic flash. Very cool and useful post.

It takes me back to when I used to have an old Canon SLR when I studied photojournalism back in the days of the darkroom. Ha! Who knew that digital would make that all obsolete?

Here are my shots from around the house with the new camera:

Our lovely ceiling rose in the bedroom. We will install another light sometime down the track. Automatic shot.

Iittala Festivo candlesticks on our dining table. Manual shot

Jason's brother bought us this vase for Christmas. We are using it as a planter. I transplanted a Rheo plant from our yard  into a small plastic pot which fits nicely into the vase. Manual shot.

This is a very dark corner of the lounge room which I photographed in a manual setting without flash. It is not a perfect shot but the result is not bad.
I'll never be a gun photographer but I'm always open to all hints and tips about taking better photographs.


  1. How exciting I need a new camera but got an iTouch instead. I have a lot of trouble taking pics inside this house as some parts are a little dark, so will check out that post you mention.
    On thing I find very useful for taing nice shots is to set the camera on Aperature priority and then set the number low so you get a sort depth of field - it adds a nice look to photos :)
    ps LOVE the ceiling rose!!

  2. Your photos are great - thanks for sharing the link for the photography tips which I will be sure to check out - I'd love to improve my photography skills rather than just taking the odd decent shot by chance.

  3. I don't know what I love more ... your fabulous new shots or your darling red toe nails!

    I'll have some Orla Kiely sheets, a new camera and a pot of toenail polish, thanks Mr Shoppe-keep!

  4. A new camera is super exciting - I love taking that time to get to know a new camera, especially exploring all those manual functions!

    Haha ... I love the angle of that first shot ... classic! ;)

  5. Snap, I lounged around with bright red toenails watching Mr M working. I too played with my camera taking shots of some flowers, generally experimenting and was also on centsational girl reading the camera tips. A good day really!

  6. You've just reinforced my prejudices with that first shot, Bris. Did Jason paint your toenails in his time off too?

  7. Love the lounging shot whilst watching husband work (slave) - my favourite pastime!


  8. MMMC directed me here to see a Queenslander. Being from Canada I had no clue! You have a lovely home.


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