
Tuesday 4 January 2011

The neighbourhood

Since December last year, I've been getting up early to go for a long walk. I'm up at 5am most mornings, so I may as well use that time to get some much needed exercise.

This morning I brought along the camera to show off my "hood". There is a mix of housing types but it is typically Queenslander style homes which dot the suburban landscape.

There are also a handful of delicious mid-century style homes but I'll show them to you later this week.

1930s triple gable Queenslander which looks extremely pretty in real life. I love the leadlight windows.
Colonial style Queenslander.

There is some funny extension thing on the back of this home, which I'm choosing to ignore. It looks like it's being renovated - such wonderful potential. 

Nothing says Queensland more than wrap-around verandahs!

1890s colonial style Queenslander.

The home above always captivates me. I think it is because of all the junk that is piled onto the front and side verandahs. I'm assuming it is being renovated...or maybe there are just hoarders living there.

It is the same house as the one above taken in the 70s. Remarkably, very little has changed.

This is another pretty home - neat and tidy with a traditional garden.
I'm rather taken with the Neutra-style house numbers on the front fence.

1950s Mansion in the burbs

Whoa! Now, this house is enormous, taking up half the street block. I think someone rich lives here. There is a tennis court, a pool and a guest house.

It goes on...

...and on!

And then there is the more humble post-war style home.

A pleasant looking post-war home in Brisbane
For one of the most unassuming homes in the area, it has one of the best views of the City. Lucky them!
We often congregate on the street outside this house when there is a fireworks show in the City.

City views in the area
 House stalking while exercising makes for a pleasant experience!


  1. Pieces of history...priceless. Sending best wishes your way for 2011 xx

  2. I love getting a sneak peek into others 'hoods. I am partial to the wrap around verandahs, and the older the house the better! I like the last shot of the city views. It's uniquely Brisbane to me, being so hilly, all the large roofs and leafy aspect.
    You're making me feel like a lazy sloth with your walking routine. I must get motivated! :)

  3. Fantastic photo show. How I would love one of those homes to call my own and put my little personal stamp on it. At least I can dream through your photos, Anita.

  4. Wow, your neighbourhood is fantastic! Compared to Europe everything is so big and airy and spacious. I hope that one day I will be able to visit your country. Wonderful!

  5. So you're not under 27 feet of water then, Bris?

  6. What fabulous homes. I really enjoy walking around the neighborhood so I can see what people have growing in their gardens and renovation changes. I must say, most of my neighborhood is post war with a few Fedration gems. It looks so lovely and lush up where you are! X

  7. Great tour Anita! It must be so handy being inner city.... ;-)

  8. 5am ... what a great time. While in the throes of my blog crisis I was awake at 4:30am the other morning, and thought 'this is the best time of the day!'

    Your suburb is lovely ... such wide footpaths ... and I love the grass in front of 'the mansion' ... in fact, I love that mansion, it's pretty cool.

  9. What a great tour Anita! I love it, I love sticky beaking at other peoples houses and wondering about their lives! You live in a lovely neighbourhood with great views to the city! Thanks for the tour. xx

  10. There's another house down the road that wins in the category 'semi renovated post war with no front access' unique and increasing in value with each passing day....can you guess Anita?

  11. Gorgeous houses and that view is priceless. Can't believe you are up at 5! That's criminal :)

  12. I think maybe we all should do a bit of a snapshot of our "hood". Let's face it, we all love taking a sneaky peek at how we all live ... especially if it means I can do it from the airconditioned luxury of home whilst sitting at my computer ;-) Great post ... can't wait to see the other homes you'll reveal later in the week. Hands off MMMC ... I want the mansion ;-)

  13. live in the hood. You not stalkin' me, are you?

  14. Your neighbourhood is lovely. Can you tell me what makes a Queenslander "Colonial"?

  15. Fun! I walk the dog at 6AM and do a little house snooping at the same time too.

  16. i really mostly love the absence of snow! the lush green does set off the views of the neighbourhood.
    great houses

  17. I must say 5am is a lovely time of the morning.

    You know for some reason I had always imagined that the Sow's Ear was in a southern suburb. You're a whole lot closer to the CBD than I thought.

    That pleasant looking post war home does have an amazing view of the city.

  18. Love this post! I have been meaning to capture my own hood when we go for our walk.

    Lovely shots Anita.

    Pam x

  19. Gorgeous homes to walk by, lucky you! Hugs to you for the new year. Emma.

  20. Thanks for taking us with you, Anita - it was delightful. I love Queenslanders, especially wrap-around verandahs - not really something you see in Hobart ☺. My favourite's the one with the hedge and the fancy numbers. J x

  21. Thanks everyone for your comments about our local area!!
    Deb, colonial broadly refers to the era and the style of housing which was prevalent at the time. It dates approximately from the 1860s to 1890s.

  22. Such a wonderful climate conducive to growing amaxing plants yet it seems there are so few gardeners!


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