
Wednesday 26 January 2011

Timber and tin window hoods on Australia Day

For some people Australia Day 2011 was a sausage sizzle or a cold beer with your mates or even a day at the beach.

For us it was the day two timber and tin window hoods were constructed for the Sow's Ear. It seemed like the Australian thing to do.

This is the window hood on the front of the Sow's Ear.
The new window hoods will match this very simple style.

Jason and Mr Rooney, our expert builder, built two perfect window hoods from scratch to protect our bedroom windows from the weather. They did a marvellous job.

Here is a pictorial of the day:

It started with a plan scribbled on the makeshift work bench and a couple of lattes (very metro of them...)
Putting together the frame of the window hoods

Jason, the apprentice, nailing the timber battens to the frame.
Mr Rooney's laptop was used to calculate the correct spacing for the battens. There is an algorithm which takes the guess work out of it. 

This is gable roll or barge roll.
It is used as a decorative element (as well as for flashing) around the edge of the window hood.
It finishes the window hoods nicely.

The gable roll being nailed onto the window hoods. That's Son #1 doing the honours.

The completed timber and tin window hoods.
Don't they look fantastic?  They will need to be sanded and painted before they are installed over the bedroom casement windows

Well done Jason and Mr Rooney!


  1. wow what a good use for a mid week day off - well down team VJs - best le xox

  2. Phew!

    I thought that computer was yours and thought, "Jason'll go ballistic if Anita's sitting there blogging right under the Workers' noses!"

    Great effort today on those hoods! They're pieces of art.

  3. They look like they have been there forever...
    Not many bloggers have their builder comment on their blog. That's special!!!

  4. Beautiful job. And the talented Mr Rooney works on holidays!

  5. Oh my, you are becoming such the building/restoration expert. I am learning terms I have never heard of before. There was no bbq for me either :( I worked for half the day and then went to the hospital.

  6. How productive! The window hoods look fantastic and I can't wait to see them installed.

    (i haven't read The Stepford Wives yet - so I went to the beach while the Owner Builder in this house installed a shower screen in the new bathroom :-)

  7. What is mr Rooney doing working on a public holiday? The results are great and nice to see your boys getting in on the act :)

  8. Ditto no beach or bbq. The hoods are most certainly fabulous. What a very productive day. Well done! Did the metro fella's celebrate with a g&t? Cosmopolitan?

  9. Magnificent! Love them. Does Mr Rooney like to work in southern states per chance? lol

  10. Looking good! We also spent the morning renovating - it's an exercise in patience for my normally impatient self!

  11. Well done, you obviously found the right rolls in the end. What colour are you going to paint them?
    Jennifer xx

  12. smells like progress. good work guys

  13. Excellent! A very productive day. ;-)

  14. How clever are these guys? Man oh man!
    Pam x

  15. It's going to look lovely! I can't wait to see how it turns out! Have a beautiful weekend, Kellie xx


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