
Tuesday 22 February 2011

Sunroom VJ wall progress

Day one of Jason's holidays was productive and thankfully he seems much happier.

VJ wall beneath the casement windows.
I cropped shirtless Jason out of the photo...two days in a row would really be spoiling you all.
He nailed up the VJs beneath the windows and added the decorative bull nose and scotia, which is consistent to the other windows in the Sow's Ear.

Jason also nailed the timber frames around the windows. This one side is now almost complete, awaiting just a coat of paint. If Jason is really motivated he may try to finish the other side of the sunroom on his holidays.

The sunroom is progressing nicely and is starting to feel more like a room rather than a "tacked on" afterthought, which is often the case with enclosed verandahs in Queenslander homes.

P.S Our telephone and internet access were knocked out during a spectacular electrical storm last night, so I've had to post this from the free internet service at the public library... Dedicated blogger that I am! I'll be offline until further notice. Boo hoo!


  1. You are a dedicated blogger!

    That sunroom will look completely different once it's done ... what on earth will you do once you've renovated the entire shebang?

    Jason must find renovating relaxing.

  2. A+ for committment to blogging. Jason is moving along at great pace. Amazing difference in a day. It will be a gorgeous room when all painted, and definitely not an afterthought.

  3. Fabulous progress and you have gone to such an effort to share it with us. Can't wait to see it all finished. Jason is one motivated man! Ange

  4. Man you are dedicated!!!! Looking good - not that you can read these comments in a great hurry. I hope service returns soon. ;-)

  5. Jason is going great guns and it's looking fab. A good day's reno always makes you feel better(and pooped). X

  6. Dedicated indeed. I was just reading about the quake in NZ and while I realize you're not in NZ, wondering what is going on in your part of the world these days? There's been a lot of drama in your area this year and it's only February still.

  7. You are dedicated! I'm glad Jason is enjoying his time off. Does he make you work harder when he's home? ;)

  8. It's coming together really nicely. I'm glad it's feeling like a room to you now, it's always a satisfying to see the impact of the work you've done.

  9. love seeing these things going on, you guys get SO much done.

    badd luck about the storm, my internet is whacked right now too - but from two boys who have between sent our download limit off into the horizon with a smoky trail. first time ever my speedd has been slowed, or formed, or whatever they call it. not happy jan!


  10. Now tell the truth you just wanted to get out of the house so you didn't have to do any work...ha...(I think I must be getting you muddled with me..ha It is amazing how long you can stretch out the time it takes to get bread and milk) You are a very dedicated blogger. It is looking great and Jason has done a lot in a short time.

  11. Dropped in to check on progress this afternoon.

    For the record, I'll say here, what I said then.

    "An absolutely first class job, meticulously planned and perfectly executed.

    I'm not in the habit of blowing smoke up other people's fundaments, but given the degree of difficulty, the workmanship exhibited here would embarass many professionals. I only wish I could take some of the credit for it."


Love to read your comments