
Saturday 5 March 2011

Just hanging around

I finally had a few art prints framed. I don't know why it takes me so long to get around to doing it...because they look great on the wall!

Since I started blogging I discovered that IKEA is a great place for buying frames with ready-cut mats. The RIBBA frames are my favourite. They come in white, black, walnut and birch.

I bought two small white deep-set frames and an A4 sized birch-coloured frame - absolutely perfect for my latest prints.

Departure Lounge 1971 Giclee Print A4 by Inaluxe

I love all the prints at Inaluxe. They are fun and have a mid-century vibe that I really like.

It makes this corner look groovy!
I was also very happy to finally hang the lovely photographic prints by Tasmanian artist, Sarah Bishop from the blog Molly's Maison. Now this chick is extremely talented. If you love botanical art, she is definitely one to keep your eye on. You can find her HERE.

I had actually planned to hang these in my bedroom, but they were too good to hide away. They are on display outside our bedroom wall.

Fine art photographic prints by Sarah Bishop
The top photograph is Blue Anemone, the bottom photograph is Hellebore.

Aren't they just lovely?


  1. Oh Anita, you're a treat!
    All of the prints look fab, those by that Sarah girl look pretty good, how about that? No really, I love the Inaluxe ones as well and yes, I LOVE Ikea frames - they're such brilliant value. I am trying to work out how to get my mits on some down here in Tassie for the little gallery wall I am wish-listing for the hallway.
    ps I thought you might like those funky fashions on my post :)

  2. They all look really fabulous and hurray for Sarah! And seriously, what is not to love about an Ikea frame or three :)

  3. They look fabulous - so jealous that you can just pop to Ikea... framing is so overpriced. I have thought about bringing some Ribba frames back here in my suitcase but thought it might be a little mad... A x

  4. They look amazing. Sarah is so talented. The white walls really show up the collies.

  5. Colours ( I hate this spell change thing)

  6. Your house is looking so sophisticated, Anita and Jason. Anita, you must do housework all the time!

    The prints are so beautiful on those crisp white walls ... Sarah B is a whizz at photographing flora. You're a lucky thing having a bit of her in your home.

  7. They look amazing - I love the birch frame and Sarah's photographs look great too - you have great taste in art... I'd love a tour of your little 'gallery' :)

  8. They look great, especially against the vj's. Sarahs work looks fantastic. She is one clever lady.

  9. Gotta love a smattering of Ikea here and there. Your house is looking lovely!

  10. they look great anita, and love your taste. sarah's images and inaluxe prints are so cool.xx

  11. Yes they are beautiful! I too use all Ikea frames - but usually in white. Your place is looking lovely

  12. I admire the way you stay true to your style with your decor. Your home looks amazing. What wonderful framed artworks. You have quite the gallery vibe going on there :o)

  13. The prints are beautiful, and those sparse frames really look good on the VJs. Makes me wish I could muster the nerve to enter Ikea.

  14. Your prints are lovely,,,,Sarah does do some lovely photography.

    I think Ikea has great frames. You can;t beat he prices/

  15. Lovely! I love your artwork, in general, and those prints are especially fabulous. A great vintage vibe, indeed.

  16. Departure Lounge looks almost three-dimensional - love it!

  17. Beautiful artwork! It makes such a difference to a space. I'm a fan of the Ribba frames too, just wish they fit all our awkwardly sized prints and paintings.

  18. They look fantastic so clean and bright. That little corner looks just perfect now. Another thing for my Ikea Only On A Tuesday Morning Though list.

  19. Anita your home is looking really lovely. Certainly in keeping with the MC vibe. I love Sarah's photography.

    Just wondering how much more you have to do on your house?
    Pam x

  20. I love your phone table, I wonder if the seat fabric is original??

  21. Really lovely, perfectly suited to your house. I hate hanging pics.

  22. looking great. i particularly love that first print. gorgeous.

  23. Thank you everyone!
    MMMC - yes, dusting vacuuming. So busy I wonder what Jason complains about ;)
    Kitty, the fabric is not original. I recovered it last year. There is tired cream vinyl underneath it.

  24. ohh very nice :) love the flowers - a delight ! plus of course your prints are divine - great framing too - as they don't steal the show - best le xox


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