
Monday 14 March 2011

Peg baskets

My peg basket died the other day.

So, I went looking for a new one. And bought this flimsy thing from Coles for $3. It is striped polypropylene material with a white plastic hanger.

El-cheapo peg bag

Frankly, I think I was ripped off, but then after a little investigation into the world of peg baskets, I think not.

Robert Plumb Peggy Peg Basket
image from here

This basket would have to be the Rolls Royce in Peg Basket World. Who knew there could be designer peg baskets?

It is made from brushed stainless steel and is perforated for drainage.

Now, I thought it would be fun to ask you how much such a basket would retail? What price would you pay for a designer peg basket?

I'll let you know in my next post if you guess correctly.


  1. I am not very fashionable. I use an old onion bag that I tied onto the line. The neighbors must think it looks awful. I must find a better one.

  2. Hmmm, the wind would blow that right off my line in a jiffy, but if I were feeling flaky enough to buy it I'd pay up to 10 euros (about 18 australian dollars) and feel that I was getting no bargain.

  3. I've got a great peg basket, but it broke the other day too! Fixable, I just need to sew something back together. Mine wasn't all that cheap (maybe about $20/$25), it's certainly no Robert Plumb that's for sure but it has lasted me for years. I don't even want to guess how much that Robert Plumb one is.

  4. I've always wondered how the peg bags would fare against the traditional basket option ... you'll have to report back.

    I'm scared to guess at the price of the other designer one ...while I wouldn't pay it myself, could that one be retailing for about $75?

  5. I have one of those white cheap plastic baskets for my pegs. It does the job, but isn't the prettiest thing I've ever seen...
    Now onto designer peg baskets...hmm, I have no idea how much that one would cost, but I'll play along and take a guess at $99?

  6. Well all my financial estimates are done in Kitchenaid mixer equivalents as that is what I am next currently trying to justify to Legoman. So, I reckon that would be around 1/14 of a kitchenaid- maybe around $50? I never have to buy things like peg baskets as my mother in law sees fit to keep me endlessly supplied with slippers,bath scrubbers, peg baskets and laundry washing bags- each individually wrapped as part of my Christmas present! One year I actually unwrapped 27 such items in one sitting.

  7. Oh God, is it over $100? I wouldn't doubt it, reading home mags as I do. Of course I think you'd have to be absolutely INSANE to pay that for a peg basket, and am totally happy with my plasticy-coated metal ones from Coles - I use 2, because I seem to need that many pegs. And no matter which side of the line I'm on, there's one close by. I've put far too much thought into the peg situation in my life, I'm afraid... Good luck with your cheapie! May it serve you well.

  8. PS. Mine cost about $5 each I think. And then I bought another to hold the babywipes off the side of the change table. So one day I'll have THREE on the line - hooray! Total overkill.

  9. mine cost 30 EUR. I bought it because of the viivid colors :-) lovely greetings

  10. As guess, I would say at least $50. I have a confession. I rarely use pegs. I only hang sheets out on the line and occasionally towels. I hang everything on hangers on a drying rack in my laundry and all the socks etc go straight in the dryer.

    TDM x

  11. Oh I have the same flimsy, cheapo peg thingyt! Great minds, great taste! Mine broke though. The handle dried and cracked in the sun and a soccer ball finished it off.... so now it lies on the deck in it's blue and white glory. I would not pay more than $5 for the one you have pictured. It looks like an ikea jobbie. A-M xx

  12. $50 for the fancy one? Not that I'd pay that, but I'm guessing it is going to be expensive . . . I line dry in my basement and keep the pins on the line (so lazy!) so the world of peg holders is uncharted terrain for me!

  13. You are inspiring me Anita - I could certainly cobble together something better than El Cheapo! - and more user-friendly than El Dorado.
    In my copious free, but I'll get around to it.

  14. Hmmm, no idea. I have no experience in this area as I'm one of those slack people who leaves their pegs on the line :)

  15. No idea! Perhaps $40? My pegs are in a plastic container from the kitchen, no such designer holder in our home. Hugs to you, Emma.

  16. I like a guessing competition. I'm going to say $250 just to be outlandish. Who knew you could put your brand name on a peg??? Whatever next?! It's official, the world has gone mad.

  17. ps - even if I did have the money to be all flahulach, I would not spend it on a designer peg bag.

  18. I'm guessing it costs around $180. I have the red and white version of your peg bag. I love it and it's still going strong.


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