
Tuesday 1 March 2011

White sunroom

The weekend saw one small section of the sunroom completely transformed.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, paint is the most effective way of lifting a room. The new VJ (vertical join) walls instead of fibro and the salvaged hopscotch (thanks Will!) windows help too.

Jason was keen to have this area finished as he likes to clock up wins every now and then in the slow renovating process. It is like an appetiser for the rest of the room which we will tackle over the next few weekends.

Jason is back at work now, satisfied with a productive week at home.

Painted ceiling, VJs and casement windows. I will have to get the heat gun out to scrape back the rest of that back door.

Brass hardware installed on the windows

Brass casement stays added on the windows


  1. It's just stunning! I love your attention to detail, and also the fact that you stuck with the traditional and installed real vj's and beautiful brass hardware on the windows.

    It's all so beautifully done. You should be chuffed!

  2. It's about time that Jason finished this house. I think he's spinning it out.

  3. Looking fabulous. What shade of white did you use? Isn't paint amazing. So clean and fresh, lovely for a sunroom.

  4. The hardware on the windows is gorgeous! Your hubby should be pleased. I'm glad he had a great week. Now you can relax! ;)

  5. How satisfying - It looks fantastic! ;-)

  6. looking fabulous. i desperately want to paint our living area. it's dulux 'white swan' at the moment, which i find way too yellow. i want it to be bright pure white like good old dulux 'vivid white' or i could always go with 'fair bianca'. anyway none of that will be happening until we repair the timber lining boards on one wall.

  7. There's something about that door that is very appealing. It's like a little history book of colour amongst the whiteness.

  8. Looks fabulous! I groan on your behalf looking at that back though, I know how much work that will be!

  9. sorry that should be 'looking at that back door', d'oh!

  10. Looks lovely,know what you mean about "slow progress".I'm such a goof I'd leave that door like that!

  11. I love seeing the progression. Tell Jason not to do it all at once. That would be boring :)

  12. Great work, the sunroom is looking fabulous and the hardware looks great. Good luck with the door, it is such a time consuming job to strip paint. xx

  13. Anita, it looks great! I know what you mean about having small wins to make you feel better about the slow (or in our case, non-existent) progress of a reno. I think you guy are going great guns though. The hardware looks great too!

  14. White, white, glorious white - it is super in your sunroom as are the traditional touches!

  15. Good for you. I actually like that door with the peeling paint!

    What starsign is Old Jason??

  16. Thanks everyone!
    EAP - we use Dulux wash and wear acrylic white. It has no fancy name, it's just white.
    FF - Old Jason is a Libran.

  17. It's amazing how white washing a room instantly makes it cheery. Looks great. Amber

  18. Those windows look awesome. What a good job.

  19. Fabulous. I'm imagining your Parker dining suite and the murano drop chandelier and loving it. I need to borrow Jason!

  20. I l-o-v-e the way we can get excited about brass and paint!! How heavenly!!!.....

  21. It looks fab Anita. I think an orange door will just set it off.

  22. It's lovely entirely; fresh and clean and serenely sunny. Yes, paint is the great transformer.

  23. Wow! Looks fantastic - what a transformation the paint has made. Can't wait to see the finished product. Ange

  24. The transformation continues to be splendid, I love the paint - it's going to look amazing when it's finished! :)

  25. Have to say - I particularly like your door but I sigh in regret at the thought that it may be the next 'win' that Jason may want to clock up…

  26. ooo, looking good darl! that's going to be such a lovely room. xx

  27. Absolutely love it. It looks great!

  28. Beautiful, just beautiful.

    Not having a sunroom I wonder what kind of furniture you put in there? Cane? Or do you just treat it like another normal living room?

    I can see Florence B in there.

  29. Looking good workers! Jason must be lovin that nice shiny brass. There is nothing like a good bit of shiny brass. When he gets cranky with work tell him to go look at the brass, I bet it calms him down, ha cheers Katherine xx

  30. nice job!! painting is my life at the moment too
    ~laura x

  31. Great job Jason, its looking fantastic!


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