
Sunday 1 May 2011

New improved sunroom

The sunroom painting is done. 

All the furniture is back in and we are very pleased to reclaim the space again.

It is still not entirely done as we want to insulate the ceiling to make it more comfortable in summer and we need to fix up the lighting situation in the room. 

This requires the roof to be lifted up in places as there is no crawl space. Mr Rooney, our Pippa Middleton loving builder, and Carlo the Electrician will be contacted shortly to assist with this project.

It is a HUGE improvement from when we saw the room during the first house inspection two long years ago. There is a more uniform look and if feels more like a proper room rather than a tacked on afterthought.

Jason clearly had a vision during the first inspection because I thought he was freakin' crazy. You'll see why in the last two images below. 

I like seeing it to remind us how far we've come.

Salvaged windows, new VJ (vertical join) walls.
Our mid-century furniture is back in position

The leather recliner and footstool plus the two Danish style chairs are from 1970s and made in Brisbane.

The sunroom is also our dining room

Sunroom during the first inspection

Empty sunroom before we moved in.
Windows and asbestos wall lining on the left have been replaced.


  1. Wow , what a transformation. Love the sunroom and the furniture!

  2. You must be completely thrilled with the new room. What a transformation. I can't believe that original photo is the same room.

    Diggin' all your furniture too!

  3. Well done and worth your long wait. What a great place to catch this plentiful rays you get up there. Mr Rooney should join the Facebook pagle dedicated to Pippa. She is a bit teak colored for my liking. Xo

  4. Sorry meant 'page' this is what happens when I use my IPhone to comment.

  5. Ha, I agree with Jane, Pippa is a bit tanned for a pom!
    Anyway, more importantly, your room looks fantastic! What a great space :)

  6. Oh my Jason is a visionary. You and your team have made a magnificent transformation. What's this about Mr Rooney. I will have to back track and read the comments.

  7. That is a fabulous transformation. You must be so pleased. x

  8. What a brilliant job you guys have done! And such beautiful light. I could imagine falling asleep with a book on the lovely recliner :)

  9. Love love loving all that white. Your furniture looks glorious and seems to be made to fit the space. Not to mention unsullied by any lego whatsoever, or star wars figurines! Melx

  10. AWESOME!!!! I love the transformation & your furniture just looks fantastic with all that white!

  11. What an amazing difference you two have made to the room with your renovations. The beautiful mat really finishes off the room.

  12. You could have whipped up a lovely wedding dress with those curtains. My mind is still full of hot yet teak bridesmaids...

    Lovely job on the room... I'd like to sit there instead of here surveying the ten loads of post holiday washing and jet-lagged kids. A x

  13. Amazing work, huge improvement. So funny when you look at how people live - the curtains they chose & going beyond that, knowing what you can change to make the place your own. Love Posie

  14. Love it, and love your blog....we are owner building our very own Queenslander complete with tonnes of vj, chair and picture rails and plenty of fretwork.

    I am so looking forward to reading over your blog.

  15. It looks amazing! I love that furniture....all of it, I have sat in that chaur with the stool and it is so comfy.

    I think if half the world's men had known that Pippa Middleton was going to look so hot, they too would have tuned in to the Royal Wedding.!

  16. I can't believe what that room looked like when you first saw it. So much for the seller's staging.
    Pippa is a great looking gal.

  17. My goodness! That is an incredible transformation. You must love spending time in there.. Rachaelxx

  18. All the hard work has paid off Anita, it looks fantastic. Such a huge improvement and so much more functional and so much nicer to look at. ;-)

  19. Wow - fantastic makeover! I'm impressed you could see past the decorating when you purchased the home. The room looks so bright and airy now, but cozy too. I am so very jealous - what a lovely, lovely space. And asbestos-free is always a nice perk!

  20. Looks so spacious,chic and classy..LOVE it all!!Feel a bit sad for the old bookcase revamp, you did such a good job. Has it got a new home? Also The nice little tile table? Mr Rooney you already have a normal colour "Pippaesque" beauty at are greedy ha.

  21. It looks fantastic - especially with your fabulous furniture! Two long years but worth the wait xx

  22. 'Jason had a vision' - love it!!!! And love the transformation, you couple of clever clogs! It so reminds me of the dining room of the little baby Queenslander we rented in Indooroopilly when we lived in BrisVegas.
    Millie x

  23. I just love before and after shots...and that's a pretty impressive transformation. I once rented a gorgeous Queenslander with a sunroom and it was my favourite room in the house.

  24. Wow. Congrats guys- that is looking great. Are those Brisbane made chairs by Don Rex? I am doing some research on his pieces at the moment.

  25. Wow Anita, it sure has come a long way. Don't your salvaged windows look so beautiful. I bet this is a room you just love to spend time in. It must be lovely having dinner with all those windows open in the summer.
    Can't believe the first inspection - did they not want to sell the house??

  26. Thanks for all your nice feedback everyone.

    Katherine, the book case is in our downstairs room - the boys are using it to display their toys. And the table will go back to Chris and Susan. We just don't have a lot of space for too much furniture.xx

    Ross, the chairs are Danish Quality Furniture. I used to have a green velvet Don Rex lounge suite. It was very Madmen but I sold it a few years ago. xx

  27. Lovely room, lovely furniture!


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