
Sunday 15 May 2011

Renovation update

Last week was a big one at the Sow's Ear. Last Friday also marked our second anniversary since we moved to this old Queenslander. It seems like we've been here forever.

Anyway, all the lights were finally earthed, so our risk of electrocution has been minimised. It is something to cheer about. Yay!

To enable the sunroom to be earthed we needed to take off the roof as there is next to no roof cavity. Mr Rooney, our affable builder, was on hand to assist with that task.  He also laid insulation; it was a good opportunity while the roof was off.

Warwick the electrician did all the wiring (Mr Rooney says his name is Wazza - only his mother calls him Warwick).

The sunroom has a westerly aspect and gets extremely hot during summer. Insulation will help keep it a couple of degrees cooler. It all helps, doesn't it?

We used EarthWool insulation batts which are made from recycled glass bottles and sand. Mr Rooney did not want the cheaper and itchier polyester stuff. Fair enough. Anything for Mr Rooney, right? He will be henceforth dubbed Prince Rooney.

The sunroom without its roof. 

Mr Rooney kindly took these shots as I am more afraid of heights than him. 
With all the electrical wiring sorted out, we were finally able to hang our funky retro 70s Murano chandelier.

Retro 70s Murano chandelier

Yes, finally. But there is a  whole other story with this chandelier. I'll fill you in with the next post...


  1. Good. I was going to ask, 'Can you take a photo of the chandelier and explain?'

    That's a bit rude though. Gosh I wish I owned my own home and could out my own stamp on it ... you're so lucky.

    If I do anything here, it's deemed 'damage by tenant'. I feel so frustrated.

  2. Two years huh? We have been in our home for the same time and boy have you achieved WAAAAYYY more than we have!!
    Looking forward to the chandy story, it looks very funky. It must be nice to have it installed :)

  3. That is awesome (10yo speak for great) Anita!!! Can't wait for next post.

  4. Just as well Mr Rooney's parents didn't call him Mac A. Rooney!! He may have turned out to be a Pastor..sorry, lame joke.

  5. I think you might have me confused, with someone else.

    Maybe it was someone who looked like me?

    Perhaps it might have been my brother?

    (spurcus apostate)

  6. "next to no roof cavity" .... roof cavity? what cavity! I read that the sun room had a wazzlery aspect and had to re-read that sentence twice before westerly kicked in.

    The chandelier looks quite lovely but sitting beneath it do you ever get the feeling that you or your dinner plate is going to be attached by the glass??

  7. Double Yey!! It looks so so good. Totally worth the wait and the hunt for the drops etc. The sow's ear has got some you think she is finally crossing over to silk purse?

  8. Hooray! I love it when risk of electrocution is minimised!

  9. I agree with Katherine. Very bling and lovely. ;-)

  10. Good on Mr Rooney providing the blog roof-cam shots. I presume the chandelier is an original? Can't wait to hear the background story. Mel.

  11. I have loved that chandelier since you first showed it to us. It looks amazing...unique and lovely.

  12. Chandelier heaven...the best kind :) Closely followed by insulation, because I certainly wouldn't want you to get all hot and bothered while blogging!

  13. LOVE that chandelier !!
    and a YAY for the reduced electrocution risk
    rock on
    ~laura xx

  14. So much progress! We're currently house hunting and every house in our budget needs serious work putting into it, sometimes it feels so daunting.

    Wonderful chandelier btw, never seen anything like it!

  15. Your chandelier is wonderful. Hmm, I see Mr. Rooney is calling the shots now. ;)

  16. Happy Anniversary! The sunroom looks just lovely :)


  17. That chandelier looks incredible, as do the views from your roof.
    Every degree cooler does help; Prince Rooney is an eco warrior. Very good!
    Congrats on the two year anniversary, time flies when you're having fun(and vj's).

  18. Oh wow! I am loving that chandelier. Your house is looking really amazing.

    Pam x

  19. Soooooo....

    You all like the Chandelier?

    Shows how much I know. Or should I say knew...

  20. Looks like Wazza and Roon eye did a bonza job!

  21. Schadenfreude

    You don't need to use the google translate button for that one!

  22. You have all been a very busy bunch! I am very happy to hear that all is safe and well now on the electrical front. I just love that chandelier too! It looks so sparkly and gorgeous. Can't wait to hear all about it!

    Best wishes and happy week,

  23. WOW! Love your chandelier! It's a beauty. I have chandy envy, for sure! I'm equally envious of your insulation. Having just completed an extensive reno (and 2 yrs, I might add)I wish I had used an eco-friendly product instead of the fiberglass :(


Love to read your comments