
Tuesday 14 June 2011

Bright sunshine and bookshelves

Yesterday, while I was dying from a gastro bug, Jason was very productive in the bright sunshine. Heaven knows what the children were doing while I had my head in the porcelain...

This morning I surveyed his work. He finished painting the weather boards on the last remaining section of the back of the house. The stumps and the backstairs still need to be done but that will be a job for later. Jason is trying to paint the hard-to-reach areas first while we have the trestles.

exterior painting of weather boards
And while I was sleeping, Jason finished the much maligned bookshelves in the study. It looks fantastic and will be incredibly useful when they it is sanded and painted. It will put this wasted corner into good use.

built-in bookshelves


  1. Oh you poor thing! I hope you are feeling better now. Everything is looking great and I'm jealous that your house is now painted - that's totally in my dreams for my place :)

  2. Goodness, you Brismods are busy. That's no good about you being ill, though. I, for one, am sick of wiping runny noses. Come winter and the germs are rife.

    Having said that, when the mother isn't watching the children, all hell breaks lose. I've learnt after coming home one day to see precious vintage Scandinavan jewellery broken. Moving on ...

    Fill those shelves with interesting tomes. Can't wait to see them.

  3. Oh no, what a terrible way to spend the long weekend! Hope you felt better today. Tam x

  4. Bookshelves are looking fantastic and if kids are still alive all limbs intact then all is ok. Fingers crossed you are not nursing 4 ill boys in the next few days....melx

  5. Doesn't your water tank look lovely under your house? Nice and shiny too. Sorry to hear you have been sick.

  6. You poor thing, gastro is just disgusting isn't it. Jason certainly didn't waste any time and was very productive. I hope the rest of the family stay bug free. I guess on the bright side you always end up with a flat tummy after gastro!

  7. What a clever idea!

    Hope you're well soon.

    TDM xx

  8. Hope you feel better soon! Lovely progress made, indeed!

  9. He never stops does he?

    I love built in shelves - there are none in our home. So I am very envious.

    Great idea for an unused piece of wall space.

    Pam x

  10. Jason is a wonder. I love open shelves almost more than blog-reading.

  11. Wow the house is looking great all painted. Does Jason ever stop? He is a star, love the book shelves too. ;-)

  12. What do you feed that boy?! He never stops.

  13. sorry to hear you're not well darl, hope the lurky goes packing v.soon.

    and hats off to jason, he's such a trooper - never stops!

  14. Oh you poor girl! There's nothing worse. Meanwhile, your shelves look awesome! Hope you're feeling better soon.

  15. Lovely to see progress on the book shelves! They will look amazing painted and filled. I need just that kind of thing here. He's done a marvellous job of the painting too. I hope you feel a lot better now and have had plenty of rest today.

  16. Hope you're feeling much better, the house is looking fab.

  17. I hope you're feeling better now.
    The bookshelf certainly is a vast improvement.
    The sunshine on your house is lovely. I repeat myself, but it is looking fantastic!

  18. Hey!

    Any chance of borrowing Jas's dads 6M plank tomorrow? I need one for Jas T's job at Kangaroo Point.


  19. Oh you are looking good cottage! Get well soon, loving reading about your cottage :) Well...I'm off to get tix for the Louvre! Eek! See we are meant to be saving for our renovation for our falling down century old house but instead we are on holiday LOL!

  20. Brilliant use of dead space. Looks fantastic & wow, amazing work while you're ill, just great to know things can get done around the house & with the children, even when you are dying. Hope you're all better now for the weekend, love Posie


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