
Wednesday 22 June 2011

Small world: part two

It pays never to double cross anyone in Brisbane because this town is way too small. Everybody knows everyone in this place.

This blogging gig throws up lots of random connections which you don't realise until much later on. Remember here when I found out that Mr Rooney, our excellent builder, and Katherine from theoldboathouse were very close childhood friends and related through marriage?

Another connection that we've recently discovered is with Natasha from 5 minutes just  for me. It seems that Jason knows Natasha's husband quite well and he was in fact one of Jason's tutors at University! That just amazes me.

I've been an online friend with Natasha since she began blogging about 18 months ago and we just realised that we had this association.

A few weeks ago, I was invited to Natasha's home for morning tea. It was very cool to meet her after so long. She has a beautiful home which has been tweaked by interior designer Anna Spiro. It's just exquisite. The cushioning was just perfection.

Natasha lavished me with home baked morning tea treats. This creation is a chocolate coconut slice which is made with weet-bix.  I've made it since and it is really delicious.

Natasha's classy - we had leaf tea and check out the beautiful tea set and linen napkin. 
Thanks Natasha for a lovely morning out!

Another small coincidence, which kind of freaked me out, was when we were organising Nana's funeral a few weeks ago. The funeral director came to our place and then said she knew our house -  one of her colleagues at the funeral home used to live here.

It was the previous owner of the Sow's Ear who happened to be a funeral director!!

Apparently, he was going to look after Nana's funeral arrangements but it clashed with other commitments. That is such a small, small world.

I'm relieved he didn't look after the funeral arrangements, because I said some unkind things about his cleaning abilities on the blog when we first moved here...

I've definitely learnt my lesson. Don't sledge anyone on your blog, because one day they could potentially be arranging your funeral!


  1. Oh, I just had a look at Natasha's Spode collection! You're right, she is very stylish and she has beautiful things.

    Brisbane is a small town!

  2. You are just so sweet, Anita! I had a wonderful morning and just loved meeting you and son number 3. I hope we can do it again soon!

    I hear you re Brisbane too...

    Best wishes always,

  3. Yep! Sounds like a good 'moral of the story' to me. You just never know... Small world. Where I live, I had a internal ultrasound, gross at the best of times. Well, it turned out that this same lady who did the scan was the nipper's leader for my son so I saw her every weekend. Great!!! I was comforted by the hope that she woldn't recognise my 'face'...

  4. What a lovely morning you had! I agree...Brisbane is very small! I already can see two familier names here. I used to buy things from Katherine's Ebay site and cushions from black and spiro! Love Natasha's blue and white china, I have an obsession with everything blue and white too!

    Tiffany x

  5. Hi, I know it's been a while since I visited - I intend to catch up with everyone's blogs over the hols. I hear you re the Brisbane being too small thing - you never know when you will come across someone again - it pays to always be nice in our small town! Michelle

  6. That chocolate weetbix slice looks so yummy. Feel free to share the recipe.

  7. I agree! Please share the recipe :)

  8. Crazy small world is brisbane! My mother has made that slice since we were kids and i LOVE it. I make it all the time. It's so tasty.

  9. Funny that isn't it, I will heed your wise words and be very careful what/who I mention in my blog. xx

  10. It is a small world, the internet makes it so I think.

    ohh that slice sounds yummy, please share the recipe,pretty please ? lol

  11. Wow, such a small world! I like to believe that it keeps us all honest. I must check out natasha's blog as I am a fan of the Spode. I have that same set but do get acoustic nervous when I use it! Can we have the recipe for that slice please?

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. megandmums has some freaky coincedences too have you read hers?I would love that recipe as well please and it was why I came here to ask for only to see there are others in like minds.Looks deliscious

  14. Hmmm, it truely is a small world. Will have to catch up one day too. ;-)

  15. I'm so impressed with myself that I know you AND Natasha. I feel as though I somehow subliminally took part in the consumption of those lovely chocolate slices in that lovely kitchen.

  16. Isn't it amazing how you always know someone who knows someone... I thought Brisbane was a huge city! ;)

  17. Brisbane is very small, and you never know who's reading your blog-colleagues, future employers etc. My take is that you should never put anything on your blog that you wouldn't put on a bill board for everyone to read. Is the Sow's ear almost finished? Have you turned your mind to your next project?

  18. Thanks for your comments everyone. I've posted a link to the recipe in my next blog post.

    FF, the Sow's Ear is not nearly finished. We have the bathroom, boys' bedroom and study to go. Then the exterior to paint, new side stairs, redo the front stairs, valances, new front fence, garden. Our next project is to get a McMansion according to Jason. xx

  19. Natasha's Kitchen looks beautiful. I love a small world story.

  20. thats half the fun eh ... I have blogging friends who were talking to in the flesh friends and one said about the third and the other says I read that - it's too cute when that happens :) best le


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