
Thursday 1 September 2011

Exterior painting progress

There's only a smidgen of the Tuscan peach colour left on the Sow's Ear. Can you see it?

all the brick has been re-painted

Yep, it's on the power box hidden near the garage doors.

Power box on the side of the house

We're going to paint it bright orange, like our back door. It will give the power box a certain sense of gravitas being bright orange rather than peach, don't you think? Tuscan peach is not a colour to be taken seriously in sub-tropical Brisbane.

And we still have half a tin of Dulux Bright Delight orange paint to use up. There will be no waste at the Sow's Ear.

orange back door


  1. I love the white paint ... so fresh and crisp. The orange is really fun, too! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  2. I spotted it straight away, having radar for colour obscenity that I do. Love the orange box concept, will look fantastic. I can invision something decorative on your front stair wall, unsure what though. Loving the white-over in general, isn't this Spring air marvellous for painting- I just undercoated another custard corner here at Betsy's. melx

  3. I love your orange door! Well done on the peach removal, we are trying to remove mint green inside and cream on the outside. slowly but surely!

  4. I'm taking notes and loving the look... we are starting a reno on our first Queenslander once we move to Qld in December. Ours is about twenty different colours at present,(pictured on my blog... only new at all this) so one colour like white will probably do it wonders. Love your blog by the way. Jodi

  5. I love your orange door and so glad the power box isn't going to be neglected. Highly under-rated those things are :)

  6. It's looking so good Anita! I agree with Kerry, switchboard boxes are very underrated!!

  7. Your house is looking fabulous. Love the white and as for the orange - totally stunning and such a great ida for the poor little power box. Pam x

  8. Go the orange! It's looking fabulous so far...bye bye tuscan peach!

  9. The house looks wonderful, Anita - gracefully, defiantly white. Orange will be perfect for the box. It's an utter transformation, and will probably increase your happiness by 37%, if not more.

  10. This is going to look amazing! Well done.

  11. this house is gorgeous, it is going to be spectacular when you've finished, can't wait!!!

  12. Well! I'm so glad nothing's going to waste. It will look super I'm sure.

  13. looking brilliant!! hope it's going to be a sunny painting weekend for you darl xx

  14. This may sound strange but I feel a bit wistful looking at the sow's ear... She is coming into the home stretch with the paint and it is exciting but also the sign of time passing. I love the idea for the meter box. Hope it's sunny this weekend xx

  15. I agree, leave Tuscan peach where it belongs - in Tuscany. The white really brings out those beautiful stained glass windows.

  16. Anita it is all looking fabo! Love the idea of the orange meter box - clever you! We recently painted the last of the peach in our hall - i feel a sense of relief each time i wallk down it. Do you believe that the last owners of our place actually paid a colour consultant to choose the peach - guess it went very nicely with the mint green in the 80's! The sows ear really is looking fantastic and a credit to you and Jason. Can't wait to see the front completed. Cheers Karen

  17. I'm falling more and more in love with your home. Love the idea of an orange power box, and waste not, want not.


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