
Friday 9 September 2011

Neutra and 3d house numbers

With the front of the Sow's Ear being painted at the moment, my mind has turned to the very important issue of house numbers. Three dimensional house numbers to be precise.

I'd like to have cool house numbers on the house. (Yeah, there's not a lot of deep thinking happening here at the moment...but this blog was never intended for intellectual pursuits!)

I've always liked the Neutra house numbers which are available in America. The font was originally designed by modernist architect Richard Neutra in the 1930s.
Image from Here

I like how they sit off the wall

And there is an Etsy seller who sells an acrylic version in funky opaque and translucent colours. These numbers are a fun take on the modernist font.

Image from here
I've looked for a modernist-style equivalent here in Australia and the closest thing I could find was a set of numbers made by a company called Platino. They're not bad looking and apparently they are stocked in the major hardware stores.

Image from here

What to get? What to get?

Once the very important decision of house numbers is decided, then we will seriously consider what to name the Sow's Ear. I'm leaning towards a historical name connected to the original family who owned the house - the Stables family... 

Enjoy your weekend!


  1. Nice. I took ages over our house numbers too. Ended up going for zinc ones from France, lovely 3D sticky-outy (great shadows) and after lots of rain they are weathering nicely...I've got a pic on my blog...somewhere...

  2. Oh cool. I'll check it out. x

  3. I love the first ones ... too cool for school :) Maybe the acrylic version will craze and crack in the hot moist brissie weather .... like I'd know :) you go girl to your hearts content - and for the record I don't find intellectual, prissey, highbrow blah blah blah blogs half as much fun as yours and I have learnt lots reading you :) best le xox

  4. Close your eyes and point lol I hate making decisions too.

  5. I love the sticky outy ones they are really nice.
    I can't believe it my last 3 remaining nokia friends have succumbed to iphones and htcs. I am a living breathing phone dinosaur!

  6. Thanks Le - you're always so kind.
    And thanks Nelly!
    Hey Deb. I thought I was the last of the phone dinosaurs. Go on upgrade. You know you want to. xx

  7. I like those acrylic ones, in a nice funky dark orange mounted on the front wall of your stairs. Those sticky out zinc ones look pretty cool too. melx

  8. Those first numbers are beautifully sleek and spare, and the Platino ones are great too. You could call the house 'Number Twenty Two' (or whatever)

  9. I also like the sticky out numbers too. I also like house numbers on the house that are done in steel, cursive writing, so for me it would be " Ninety - two", not "92", if you get me, these were popular in the thirties and forties. Some kind of modern take on this would be cool I think. Might be a bit much though with a name plate aswell. Maybe the house name could be done like this...somewhere like Art of steel at morningside does them. I like the idea of the historical connection but would also be fun and appropriate to include recent history of the house too, like you guys.

  10. Mel, I was thinking opaque orange if we went the acrylic path.

    Mise, I would spell out the number but it is too big.

    Katherine, thanks for the tip about art of steel. xx

  11. Stableland? Stableyard? Stableby? Zoilaville? Stability?

  12. Hilarious Lorna! The Sow's Ear could be the next app on Facebook. What about Stableville? Stabletown? Zoilaworld? Zoila kingdom?

  13. Funny, I also looked at the first two when we were on the hunt for numbers for our mailbox. We went with the acrylic ones in the end, bright red, and they still look great on our (Brisbane) mailbox a year later.

  14. I wish I'd thought more carefully about our house numbers. Ours look fine but haven't got personality like the ones you have found. I am sure whatever you choose it will look fabulous!

    Best wishes and happy weekend!

    PS Did Jason like the Star Wars song?

  15. Please tell me you're not going to change the name of the house from the Sow's ear! The only thing that would do would be the Silk Purse.

  16. It's the little things that can make a big difference. I appreciate your deep thinking. Look forward to seeing what name you come up with.

  17. I like the zinc numbers..fascinating about the origin of that font! How about The Sow's Stable..for a name?? He!He!

  18. Have you seen the numbers by House Industries for Heath Ceramics? I covet them!

  19. The Neutras are really cool, and I think there's a store really close to me that sells them. I also like the Platinos, especially if they're easy to find. Le brings up a good point, will the acrylic numbers hold up?


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