
Sunday 16 October 2011

Australian Modern Magazine photo shoot

In real life, as opposed to blogtopian life, I write and edit publications. For the past few years, I've worked with my friend Chris to edit Brisbane Modern Magazine* which celebrates Brisbane's mid-century architecture and design. We've completed three mags together and it's been a lot of fun.

Well, things are heating up with Brisbane Modern and we will be putting out a new publication called Australian Modern Magazine in the new year. Yes, that's right, we are going national!

The magazine will feature contributions from architects, artists, academics and collectors about modernism in Australia. The articles are an interesting snapshot of Australian design life in that mid-century period.

Yesterday afternoon was the big shoot for the front cover. It was all a bit iffy as there had been a storm earlier in the morning but fortunately the weather gods smiled down upon us and the skies cleared for the afternoon.

There were pretty girls in vintage frocks, a sporty little Goggomobil Dart and a striking 1960s house as the backdrop. We were waiting for the precise time of day for the right shadows to appear on the house a la Julius Shulman.

Here are some shots from the day:
Some of the warm-up shots
Some of the real shadow shots

Goggomobil Dart loaned out for the day by a collector

The two stroke engine is found in the boot!

Australian Modern Magazine is an independent self-published venture which relies on advertising to cover the printing costs. There are only a couple of advertising spots left, so if anyone out there is keen to be involved, please contact:

T: 07 3395 4571

*This is the reason for my moniker - an abbreviation of the magazine's first email address which I still have and use. The mag now has its own website and email address which Chris manages. I never realised when I started this blog it would be widely read, so there was no deep thinking about my pen name. With hindsight, I probably should've used my real name!


  1. That last photo is just divine!

    I can't wait for the mag. to be released ... I need some inspiration!

  2. How exciting! I was in contact with Chris on one of the first issues back when I worked at the Gallery (I handled images and copyright in addition to editing and publishing). I can't wait to see the new and improved 'national' version!

  3. Cool bananas! Frocks, purple rinses, red cars and fab house...what more could you want!

  4. wow miss Silk Purse

    You have some talents don't you.

    Love the lawn, it looks vacuumed it's so divine .
    Love the frocks and the car - I do feel very time warped indeed.

    have a good day tomorrow

    :) Loulou

  5. Go, Anita! That sounds like an exciting, challenging and fun thing you are doing, with the added bonus of being sometimes surrounded by cool cars and fabulous frocks. Good luck going nationwide!

  6. I can't believe no one has said it yet ... that's G-O-GGO-Goggomobil!
    Congrats on going National.

  7. How exciting You may be someone that can give me some ideas I shall email you methinks. xx

  8. I will definitely be subscribing to your mag, in fact I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. Please keep us posted on when and how.

  9. WOW, Thats fantastic & that photo shoot looks so cool, must have been a fun day!!!

  10. I just love every photograph. I love the house, the car, the dresses, the sunglasses. I love the blue grey of the house with the red car. I can't wait for the mag. Mimi xx

  11. Thanks everyone for your really nice feedback. I'll be sure to let you know when the mag is released.

    I have a few more photos of the shoot which I will post onto our Fun and VJs' facebook page if you wanted to see some more. xx

  12. Anita, What a cool photo shoot, it would have been so fun to be involved with. I can not wait to see the mag!
    x Jode

  13. Great photos, it looks . . sedate! You've captured the era! Love the frocks, and the house. More photos would be good.

  14. Wow what an exciting job and the opportunity to go national!! Love this shoot, it feels very genuine and those dresses are just as divine as the house itself :)

  15. The house reminds me a lot of the style of my mum and dads house in Auckland, New Zealand. It has always been painted a greyish or blueish colour. It has also got a 3 tiered style window in the front..looking down the driveway to get a little harbour view. The pics just made me a little homesick!

  16. Congratulations on going national! If these photos are anything to go by I am sure the magazine will be a big success.

  17. Wow, congrats! What an exciting venture for you. The photos you posted look great.

  18. Pretty cool stuff here Brismod. A magazine mogul huh?? x

  19. I, for one, am dead impressed.

    It's also interesting to know the context for your immaculate spelling and grammar, which is so restful to read. No lunatic apostrophes sticking out like jagged paving stones. Aaaaah. Peace.

  20. Wow that is exciting and many many congrats on going national.

  21. MIC would like the dart pls :) le xox

  22. I'm a huge fan of Brisbane Modern and I'm really excited about the publication going national! I'll be staying tuned to get the inside track on all the developments! It's lovely to 'meet' your blog!

    - Catherine @ The Spring (in Brisbane)

  23. Oops - I cut and paste the wrong URL: I'm at

    - Catherine

  24. Ok, I need to know where and how I can subscribe when the first issue of Australian Modern Mag is coming out. NO REALLY!!!

    Don't want to miss out.

    If someone could let me know I'm at

  25. Me too. Please tell me when and where I can get a copy. Can't wait!

  26. Me too. Please tell me when and where I can get a copy. Can't wait!


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