
Thursday 27 October 2011

Following The Long Lap Around

I must harbour a secret desire to travel around Australia in a caravan because for the second year in a row I am reading a blog about a family doing just that.

Image from here

Last year, it was Let's go Moerkabout; this year it is The Long Lap Around.

Meg and her hubby Frank have piled their things up in a caravan, shoved the three kids in the back of the 4WD and are having the time of their life, soaking up the most amazing sights that Australia has to offer. I'm in awe of all the things they have seen and done. Meg's images are exquisite.

Image from here

They've been on the road for the past two months. Their journey started in Brisbane and they are now in Western Australia. If you would like to have a vicarious holiday without getting sand in your bedding and flies on your face, go pay a visit to Meg and her family HERE.

It's really inspirational.

Image from here


  1. I think there's a bit of that caravan envy going around.

  2. There is indeed Annie! When are you off? Perhaps we'll join you?

  3. OH, Anita. I looked at the first photo and thought OMG that is at Cape Range National Park and I have been there (squeal) It is truly magnificent. I will go off now to visit Megs blog and relive the happy travel memories.
    You really must do the trip. Get a battered camper trailer and a bit 4wd and just go adventuring. If Jason can paint balancing on a ladder perched on toothpicks a trip around Oz is nothing!

  4. Thanks so much Anita. I am so so pleased you are enjoying the blog, thanks for the lovely mention. It is a truly amazing thing to do with the family. I am pinching myself everyday at the amazing things that Aus. has to offer. I have always thought Brisvegas was such a nice place, it is great to visit places that have just as much to offer. It is incredible meeting families as we go around, some travelling with amazingly meagre set-ups, some doing a bit of work here and a bit of work there to fund things. It is very sad that it will come to an end......might have to go 'round again in a few years it if you can Anita!!!

  5. Yes, more caravan envy from here. Sigh.

  6. Hello Miss Silk Purse

    What a way to discover - I love the new term Glamping!
    And my family always caravaned when I was younger - not really long road trip caravaning but we certainly did some amazing years in a caravan.
    I often get a pang of - need to get a caravan and go to a beach feeling.
    I want my children to discover what I did.
    (THOUGH - not having to walk to the toilets in the middle of the night!!!)

    have a wonderful day

    loulou, hereiamloulou blog


  7. I've been following Kate from Fox's Lane on her family caravan trip, and I must say I've caught the travel bug pretty bad. We're thinking new car next year to start preparing for a trip in the next 5 years. Can't wait!!

  8. Oh me too...I would so love to head off in a caravan or a big old bus. Good on them xx Katherine

  9. We have done it when we only had our 3 older ones who are all in their 20s now and I would love to do it again with the grandies.I am also folowing who are travelling too Are we jealous much? lol Its like being on a virtual.

  10. Deb, so true - if Jason can paint an entire house and not lose his mind then a trip around Australia is a breeze!
    Meg, I'm definitely inspired by all your wonderful photos and anecdotes from your trip.
    Loulou, we used to have a caravan when we were kids too. It was so much fun.
    Thanks Rhythmmethod and Nelly for the tip about foxslane. I'm now a new follower.
    KL and Katherine, maybe we should all plan a trip and meet up? xx

  11. I love a vicarious holiday. Such beautiful photos too, the shots of the pinnacles are amazing.

  12. I've been keeping tabs on Kate and her family too..but I think I'll pop in and see how this other family are doing it too!

  13. Bugger the living vicariously. I want that water FOR REAL!!! :) Great blog!

  14. oh wow, they're in exmouth. one of my fave parts of wa. love a long float out in those clear waters.

    i too had a travel around with a caravan fantasy when i was married, but i seem to have put it at the back of my mind nowadays. maybe because i like to try and get a bit of relaxation into a holiday myself, and so when travelling with the kids i'm looking for someone else to fly the plane, cook the meal, clean the loo....

    luckilly i can drive to exmouth and stay in a hotel : )

    hope you're having a lovely weekend darl xxx


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