
Sunday 9 October 2011

Pinot amongst the pandanus

Not one power tool or paint brush was used this weekend as we celebrated Jason's birthday. To ensure this, we whisked Jason away from the Sow's Ear for a little beachy holiday.

The man does not know how to rest at home because there is always something that needs to be fixed or painted. An escape was the only answer.

It was great. We swam, slept-in, read, watched TV and did not even think about the Sow's Ear. Ahhhh...bliss.

Surf life savers on Sunshine Beach this morning

Pinot amongst the pandanus one evening

Retro chairs  (Sebel?) and crocheted blanket
We ate at this eccentric, quirky little cafe one evening. Think backpacker waitresses, mismatched drinking glasses and plates, retro laminex tables and granny crochet rugs to keep your knees warn. It reminded me of Blogtopia!

laminex table
There is something comforting about eating dinner from an old laminex table. Like eating at Nana's or Granny's.

Funky light shades
The thing about our holiday that amused us greatly was all the locals thought we were tourists from Melbourne. We took that as a compliment...I think...maybe we're like hipsters? Anyway, that's the story we're running with...(I wonder if Melbourne people play pick the Brisbane tourists in St Kilda?)

It was really good to get away from the Sow's Ear. I think it did us a world of good. But it needed to be a longer break.

P.S You only have until midnight tonight to enter the Dulux Competition. Go here.


  1. Happy Birthday Jason! I'm so happy to hear that you had a rest and lived the high life with your gorgeous wife! Your timing was wonderful:it was a truly stunning day today!

    Best wishes,
    Natasha & Co

  2. Hello Miss Silk Purse

    A well deserved rest for you all - not really a rest though - just a great place to change beds for a few nights.

    I hope you find yourself with a huge holiday soon

    have a wonderful start to your week.

    x Loulou

  3. I'd take the "from Melbourne" comment as a compliment :-) And yes, easy to spot the Queensland tourist in St Kilda. They're the ones always wearing thongs & white pants.

  4. Never before in the history of DIY has there been such a well-earned rest.

  5. Pure bliss, the cafe looks fab-o. I can always pick Victorian tourists as they are the ones who swim when the water is glacial but today was too hot and sunny for that so you must have been wearing black and looking thoughtful and introspective. melx

  6. I wish I had a husband whom I had to tear away from home in order to quell his unstoppable work-a-holic tendancies!! Mine does the same thing at home or at a resort.

    That Cafe looks groovy. Blogtopia! Funny.

  7. Nice to see you having a break in surroundings that make you feel at home. x

  8. Happy birthday to Jason! Looks like you all had a great weekend. I love cafes with granny tables and mismatched decor. :)

  9. Happy Birthday Jason. I would say you were in fact the only Brisbanites going near that beach - the rest would have been from Melbourne for sure. And you can easily pick a Queenslander in St Kilda they are the only ones not wearing head to toe black and a bored expression. Xo

  10. Great to see you have a nice break. Love the retro look reminds me of my Nana's when I was little. Mimi xx

  11. A well deserved break. I hope you all enjoyed it and Jason wasn't getting wrestless. So have you started thinking about changing the name from the sows ear which it clearly is not anymore. ;-)

  12. Sounds lovely. The cafe looks like the kind of place I'd love and Dan would LOATHE ("What, they couldn't afford a new table? Why would I pay to eat at my Grandma's house?"). Happy birthday to Jason!

  13. Jason says thanks everyone for your birthday wishes.

    Edwina, Dan's reaction is a classic. If the service and the pizzas were crap, I probably would say the same thing! Luckily it was good.

    And for the record LMAG, I was wearing black shorts...with rubber thongs. Ha! xx

  14. Happy Birthday to Jason. Aren't you glad that you are married to a Libran? We are the best!! x


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