
Thursday 13 October 2011

Retro student desk

I was wheeling a shopping trolley full of groceries to my car, when I noticed from the corner of my beady little eyes a mound of domestic detritus overflowing from a near-by clothing bin. 

Someone must've decided to use the car park as a dumping ground for all their stuff, despite signs saying it was prohibited to leave bigger items like furniture near the bin. There was sh*t everywhere including a little forlorn student desk.

And that's when my interest was piqued. I went to have a closer look. Hmmm...atomic shape? Yes. Okay condition? Yes. Stable? Yes. Small enough to fit in the boot of the Subaru? That's when I pounced and carried it to the car. 

I considered it my public duty to whisk it away, as it posed a potential trip and fall hazard in the car park. That's my story anyway. 

The desk looks like it is a DIY home made number, but it is reasonably well-made with proper joins. It will still need some TLC. Nothing that a light sand and a lick of Danish oil can't fix.

It is perfect for a corner of our lounge room as it is quite compact. The younger boys will be able to use it when they do their homework or craft activities.

Retro student desk

Small retro student desk


  1. Who in their right mind would have thrown that away?!

    Score for you!! I love it. I think it's delightful!

  2. That's what I thought too MMMC. It's cute and perfect for what we need it for. xx

  3. SCORE!! It's perfect. Thank goodness it hadn't rained on it...Where has the phone table gone to live? Xx Katherine

  4. Thanks zigsma and Katherine!
    The phone table is in the front entry and now has a pot plant on it! xx

  5. wow!! great find!

  6. Great find. Of course it was your duty to whisk it must have been waiting just for you!
    I had a good giggle reading your last post. Tam x

  7. Thanks Tam! Yes definitely my duty.
    And welcome Bukay!

  8. Just lovely, Brismod. I saw a similar one at Ron and Brian's for $20 which I've been thinking about. I love how it perches on those dainty tippy toes!

  9. Why can't I find cool stuff AND make the world a better place by doing so? Gosh darn. Some gals have all the luck.

    So jealous. As always. Such a fun piece.

  10. What a find!
    I saw something very similar to 'your new table' at an antique store only yesterday. It was $200.00!
    Looks like it was made to fit in that corner.
    x Jode

  11. Love it, well done Fun and Vj, good save and civic duty, just watch out for those today tonight cameras

  12. Go kerbside ninja. You've gotta love a freebie.
    Kylie x

  13. Great scoop, and how perfect for your place.

  14. Perfect find. The thrifting gods were on your side that day!

  15. That's quite a find. It's a graceful piece and looks very much at home in your place.

  16. It's way cool. I would have done my bit for public safety and nabbed it too x

  17. What a perfect find for your house, so wonderful that you were just there at the right time. melx

  18. Awesome score! Meant to be, I'd say!

  19. You and I have similar shopping sprees! We could have a great time together one day ;-) I'd never let my kids near a desk like that though!!! They can have the wonky one I found on the street. LOL

  20. It looks like it has always belonged right there, nice find! ;-)

  21. what a find!
    i think it was destined for you!

  22. Wow, what a fantastic find - those legs are delightful!

  23. Why do I only ever spy broken green plastic outdoor furniture??? Agree with others ... it looks like the desk was made for that space & has always been in your home.

  24. You have found the perfect spot to place your find, looks great & I love the lamp. KP

  25. It's lovely! I can't believe some of the stuff people throw away.

  26. I'm so envious of your amazing find! It's lovely. :)

  27. Why thank you everyone. I was proud of my car park find too!

    And a big welcome to Eggi, Sarah @Rad and Cheryl! xx

  28. Gorgeous find! Thank goodness you are so civic minded:) It looks to be in perfect condition after your TLC. Clever clogs. Love your work. Meredy xo

  29. Such a cute desk!


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