
Sunday 27 November 2011

Run of bad luck

The chandelier is okay, if that was your initial thought when you read the title. This post is about Jason's run of bad luck.

Firstly, Jason deleted all of my emails when I was out one night. I am so cross with him because he deleted quite a few important work ones which I had not yet archived, printed or saved to file.

He saw a dodgy spam email  - you know the ones - which said we had exceeded our email limit. His response to that was to delete all our emails. Jason, Jason, Jason. I am hoping he's never responded to those British lottery or Nigerian emails...

Jason also had his wallet stolen when he was being wined and dined at a Christmas function held at The Villager in the City. Hmmm...and he was still sober when it happened...Money, credit cards and ID gone in a flash. It makes me feel ill just thinking about it...

So, it's been a tough couple of days.

And to top if off, reading the newspapers this morning we found out he was NOT even mentioned in Queensland's Top 50 Stylish people...The injustice. Tough days indeed!

Lucky he knows how to paint and has redeemed himself.

Jason is painting the back railings near the back deck

The garage door has had a repair job and a few tubes of no more gaps to improve its overall appearance.
Much better.


  1. Jason!!! mate never delete a womans emails! LOL oops about the wallet karma maybe? Well lets hope karma gets the theives at least.Good to see a bit of redeeming thru painting and never mind we all know you must have some style coz your married the Mrs VJ

  2. All of that sucks. Except for the painting expertise of course. Wining and dining insurance required!

  3. Jason has had bad luck. I hope Santa makes up for it.

    I wasn't too impressed by that Top 50 list either. I say we make our own!

  4. oh Jason - it's lucky you can paint!!
    that's 3 things now. here's to smooth sailing ahead.
    cheryl xox.

  5. Tell that boy to just knuckle down and keep on painting. Much safer for all really. And if he wants to make stylish top 50 he really needs to be seen wearing some clothing.

  6. That is bad luck. The last one, in particular - must have been a blow. Was there a shirtless category?

  7. Jason probably deleted the email that was inviting him to be in the top 50 most stylish list! At least he is living in an increasingly stylish house with that ever stylish wife of his.

  8. That's a shame. I sent you an eCheque for $10,000 for blogger of the year award. Oh well.

  9. Ah chicky, huge hugs to you - and to Jason too poor lad. This week will be a better one!

  10. I'm sure he deleted his invite to the Top 50 do! And amm so sorry to hear about the thief. I hope they really, really needed it so close to Xmas. Grrrr. He's still painting? He's a saint! Those garage doors look amazing... its a miracle that gap-filla stuff!
    x KL

  11. ok well I'm complaining to the paper ... it's an injustice! Better day tomorrow ... le xox

  12. I like your old garage door. It simply would not do to put a new one in. That is one serious paint job there!

  13. God Jason, what were you thinking? Stick to what you know mate. The garage doors look ever so sparkly. well done

  14. Bugger! Lucky the chandelier's ok though ;-) Seriously - the wallet's a real pain, I know that one from experience. I throw myself into the painting when it all turns to fudge as well mind you...

  15. The Universe is punishing Jason for not following my FF facebook fan page.

  16. You guys should all be comedians. God how I've laughed at all your comments. I'm much less cross at Jason now after reading this. xx

  17. I think those paint fumes might be getting to Jason. Does he ever do anything else? LOL.
    BTW I like your chandelier. It works. It's handsome and unique and I hope it doesn't fall on your Christmas dinner. :)


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