
Wednesday 7 December 2011

Crystal decorations

Waste not want not is my motto this Christmas.

Murano Dragon's Tears

And that includes re-purposing some broken Murano dragon's tears chandelier drops into decorations for the tree. When the chandelier fell from the ceiling a few months ago, it left about nine or so broken crystals which could no longer be used for the light fitting. They are only good for sun catching now.

With the aid of some heavy duty glue and some thin picture hanging wire, I've made a number of handsome drops to use as decoration.

A bit of glue, wire and drying time was all it took

I'm glad that they can be reused in this way.

Aren't they pretty?

The boys decorated the tree again this year. Hand-made decorations feature heavily. 
And here is our Christmas centrepiece for the dining table which we do almost every year. Some twigs from the lychee tree  in a lovely iittala vase with some Georg Jensen angels swinging from the branches. I've also put out the Festivo candle holders.

Our dining room is looking so lovely but it is seriously in need of some art for the blank walls.

Christmas time for our dining table


  1. Well done! You remind me of Pollyanna if I remember the movie correctly!

  2. such a great idea! they look wonderful.

  3. I actually like the Murano glass thingies on the Christmas tree. I think they look great ... I know ... I can't believe it myself.
    Anonymous Natalie xx

  4. The murano drops make perfect Christmas deccys! How great not to waste them.
    I reckon you could watch the tv show I mentioned on iview :)

  5. love them - perfect ! le xox

  6. What a great idea, they look great !!!

  7. Those tree decorations look fabulous. Could you start a broken chandelier owners' support group with the secret aim of making your fortune by selling these?

  8. Clever girl! My tree looks like someone spewed on it... this year I let my boys do whatever they liked with it hahaha!

  9. Love them. Into recycling - I have decorations on our tree from when I was a little girl, I can't part with them even if they are looking a tad tired. Mimi xx

  10. You've done a great job and you've even managed to please annonymous Natalie!
    LOL Kylie x

  11. Lovely decorations; I can't get enough of those candleholders! I hear you on needing art-I was thinking just the other day that we are in dire need of some large-scale, visually impressive pieces rather than the many scattered, little paintings we seem to have acquired.

  12. Lovely idea!! How many trees do you see adorned with vintage Italian crystal too..

  13. Very pretty - both tree and table. ;-)

  14. Very pretty and thrifty and at the same time they are probably individually expensive! Does that make any sense?

  15. nice decoration and crystal decoration is unique and different from others. your dining hall are looking very pretty and perfect match with crystal decoration. lamp in dining hall are looking so beautiful.

  16. Love the gorgeous decorations! Adore your house - doing up a Queenslander is my retirement dream! Just stumbled across your lovely blog and have just signed up as your latest follower. I look forward to popping back for some more inspiration!


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