
Sunday 11 December 2011

Weddings and other things

I love seeing a young couple in love...declaring their love so publicly. It makes me feel less...less cynical.

We were invited to a fabulous wedding on the weekend. The bride and groom made a gorgeous couple.

Jason went to a lot of effort with his outfit. He ironed his pocket kerchief to perfection.

Dapper Jason with friend.
He has high hopes of making it on Queensland's 50 Most Stylish next year.
He may try a new tact and embezzle $16 million from his employer to fund his fashionisto ways. Read HERE
He buffed his cuff links so they gleamed. This pair is from MoMA.

Jason loves a pinstripe

Also, I've noticed there is a lolly buffet trend happening in Brisbane. Our kids love it when we go out now. The expectation of Chinese take-out boxes filled with sweets seems like their entitlement. Almost every function we attend has one of these things.

Wedding lolly buffet
Christmas party lolly buffet
I'm becoming a connoisseur. Chico Babies are my favourite lolly. What's yours?


  1. I do love a french cuff. Jason looks v. dapper. What a nice chap he is.

    And what a busy, social pair you've been this weekend!

    Favourite lolly? Mintie or a Clinker.

  2. hee hee ohhhh a lolly buffet :) how decadent!! best le ps something creamy and marshmallowey always works for me ....

  3. Wow, I've never seen a lolly buffet, I need one of those at my house :)
    My fave? too many to choose though I do love a Chico, probably because when we were little my sister always refered to them as Columbian Druglords. Should I have said that? X

  4. mmm lolly buffets. I do love a Chico but I always seem to get side tracked by Jaffas in a buffet.

  5. A lolly buffet at a wedding? Well that is enough to make me want to renew my vows. For me it is a toss up between snakes and fantales.

  6. Where do I begin?

    Chicos are right up there, along with bullets, teeth, milk bottles, Maltesers and Jaffas.

    TDM xx

  7. My son had a candy buffet at his wedding and I was shocked to see that people took HUGE bags of it....I didn't think anyone would be interested since he had no children there. The adults loved it...there version of a loot bag at a kids party.

    Love Jason's strip suite with the shirt...very dapper.

  8. Sweet wedding! Oops - pun unintended. That sweets buffet is amazing.

  9. This looks like a beautiful wedding! I suppose the sweets buffet is a great idea for combining the decor and favours budgets and still coming out on top.I don't even want to ask what it took to get your kids to bed afterwards though!

    Also, Men of Brisbane, why so shy about bringing out the cufflinks? All us girls love em, and they don't just have to be for special occasions! (my man wears them everyday to work, and gets called 'fancy' at his office quite a lot!)

    x Catherine @ The Spring

  10. Jason looked very dapper and where was the pic of you??? We are all partial to a chico in this house too but more so when we are on a roadtrip. We eat them until we all feel ill. Happy days! ;-)

  11. I love the lolly buffets. The apothecary jars filled with sweets look fantastic. I might have to set one up for my guests at Christmas this year.

  12. The lolly buffet is a cute idea, and easy to put together even without a caterer. My favourite sweets by far, and well worth checking out, are these sour currant wine gums by German brand Katjes...

  13. What a delightful wedding, has been ages since i've been to one, or one with my own husband. My husband spent 2 years out of uniform & in suits, i loved it, he is old school, cufflinks & Hugo Boss, it was gorgeous eye candy every day. Check out your husband!! Don't go the $16M missing fund option, it didn't end well for his eye brows or the whole gaol thing. Love Posie

  14. I am going to have a candy buffet at my wedding...I dont think there are many better things than an obscene amount of lollies...?



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