
Wednesday 25 January 2012

Australian Modern Giveaway!!

 Guess what I have in my grubby little hands?

Two copies of the new Australian Modern which will hopefully end up in the hands of two lucky Fun and VJs readers.

article about Meadmore Furniture in Australian Modern

It's hot off the presses. There's 66 pages of Australian mid-century goodness. From articles about Googie architecture to Clement Meadmore's iconic corded furniture to Paris fashion arriving in post-war Australia; there's a bit of something for everyone, even those who aren't mid-century enthusiasts.

even the ads are cool

So how do you win?

Just leave a comment on this post. This competition is open world wide and you don't have to be a follower to enter. If you leave an anonymous comment, make sure to leave a contact email so I can contact you. Entries close Tuesday 31 January at midnight (AEST). I'll announce the winner on Wednesday 1 February.

Good Luck!!

And if you can't wait that long to get your own copy, just click onto the Australian Modern website HERE. It has the full list of launch dates around the country and local stockists.

p.s For those who are attending the Brisbane launch. I'll be there, wearing a paisley frock. Can't wait to meet you all.


  1. Giveaway?!

    I just smashed my car! So am feeling down ..

    I'm in!

    Don't think I can make the party. My patio dress is seriously disappointed. (Unless Anon Annie wants to come with me.)

  2. Please count me in! If I wasn't keen before, I got very excited at the mention of post war Parisian fashions. Oooooh, nice! Crossing all extremities! X
    Ps poor Carmel's car :(

  3. Thanks for the opportunity to be counted as in this giveaway. Looks fabulous!
    x KL

  4. the magazine looks fantastic!!!!

  5. I really, really want to get my hands on a copy of this mag. Fingers, toes and everything else crossed I'm a lucky winner. Thanks for the opportunity.

  6. Congratulations, Anita; that's some accomplishment! It looks great and must have taken a lot of work and determination. I wish I could be there, standing by your side in a clashing paisley frock.

  7. Coincidence, we were just looking at an add for this in the latest Vintage Caravan Magazine!

  8. Can I give my entry to MMM-C? I'd like to see a photo of the paisley frock. Good luck with the launch! x

  9. oh my gawwwwwdddd!! this looks freaking awesome!

  10. Looks like a fab read. Fingers crossed I'm lucky! xx

  11. Would love to be counted in!

  12. This publication looks fabulous..Congrats all around.
    Being a child of the sixties some of the furniture looks familiar!

  13. Give my entry to MMMC. It might cheer up her frock.

  14. Love mid century modern.

    We bought a 1958 Californian style bungalow and we decorated it mid Century modern-Scadinavian style :)

    LOVE seeing all of the homes in your area :)

    Good luck to all~

  15. So utterly fabulous to have something like this to highlight all the wonderful Australian mid century designs. I am forever finding interesting bits on their fab website. I love all the Palm Springs stuff - and plenty of reference documentation about that - but as Aussies I think we tend to forget about our own brilliant history, just a tad.

  16. Congratulations, Secret Design Studio is drooling already. Looks like a high quality publication with lots of colour pics and good quality paper stock. Can't wait to get my hands on a

  17. Does my comment need to be quirky & topical or can I just say Pick Me??? Would love to attend the lawn party but we have Poodle Puppies to go and look at. Finally, the promised poodle is near ... Make sure you have a Cinzano & a cocktail onion for me ;-)

  18. Just popping over to wish you a happy Australia Day! Australian Modern looks like a darn good read ........ have you come across 'Midcentury Magazine', a bi-annual publication that launched last year in the UK ( It too is a great little read!

  19. The mag looks like a great read! As much as I'd like to air my mu-mu I can't make it to the ball. If I win I'l sit and scour the pages with MMMC in her patio frock regardless.

  20. Congrats to the Australian Modern team. Can't wait to read it.

  21. It looks so good! Your dress sounds fabulous!!!

  22. Loved the122qzZ,sorry have a crazy baby on my lap,loved the last edition of Australian Modern heaps, so it would go to a worthy home please pick me Anita, Have fun at the launch Groovy Baby.

  23. looks great, would love to get my mitts on a copy! Have fun in your pretty dress!!!

  24. Oh - yes! Saw this in Paddington Antique Centre yesterday. Would love my very own copy at my house!!

  25. Count me in! Right up my alley...

  26. So bummed that I couldn't make it to the launch of the mag. Nothing beats supporting Brisbane-ites to put a smile on my dial. If I'm the lucky winner, any chance you could have Chris autograph my copy? Wish me luck!! Karie at The Click-Clack Lounge xx

  27. i'd love to get my hands on a copy darl! hope the launch is fun xx

  28. Australian Modern .... oh pretty please pick me,
    I'd love to read you whilst enjoying a nice cup of tea!

  29. Just what I need after cranky post-holiday kids and first week back at school - a little peace and quiet with a cuppa tea and a copy of the Australian Modern! Bliss. Son68

  30. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy one way or the other.


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