
Monday 30 January 2012

Fun night at the Australian Modern launch

Australian Modern is well and truly launched.

What a fun night and many thanks to those who came along. Chris and Susan certainly know how to make their guests feel welcomed and are very generous in opening up their spectacular mid-century home to new people. Everyone also went home with a copy of Australian Modern which is now available HERE.

And I was so pleased to finally meet a few Brisbane blogger friends who came out of the woodwork to attend. It was like I already knew you guys...I'd like to send a shout-out to the handsome Ross and Mark from Pantone801 , EL from Home and made daily who is just lovely and the gorgeous Nat Duncan from Precinkt. It was great to have a good chat and finally put a face to the name.

I am such a bad blogger and took no photos of the evening!! So many people went to great effort with their retro op-shop clothes too. My flammable frock was like wearing an inbuilt sauna. I swear I shed a kilo from wearing that thing...which is why I will be wearing it all the time now.

Chris kindly sent to me a few snaps of the night, so have a squizz here...

Door girls. Check out the pineapple jugs on those girls! 

Susan and Chris - a makeshift tiki bar in the courtyard...
the weather was rainy and miserable on the weekend. boo!

Moi and the boys from Pantone801. Jason said Ross looked like Ralph Fiennes...

Chris and entourage  - KA and Mr Tikibeat (Australia's finest tiki carver)
And for those who couldn't make it to get their copy of Australian Modern, make sure you enter my competition to win one. It is open world wide, so just leave a comment HERE to go into the draw.. 


  1. I LOVE IT!

    You foxy thing in that blue paisley number! Pineapple jugs - I never knew they existed now they're on my 'must own' list.

    Off to check those Brisbane blogs ... would love to have met EL!

    Looks like a smashing night!!!

  2. Looks like a great night, can't wait for the Melbourne launch party - Secret Design Studio

  3. MMMC you should've come!!
    And Alistair - you'll have a lot to look forward to. xx

  4. That actually looked like fun, Bris. Your caption to the top photo is worthy of top prize too.

  5. Looked awesome, Anita. Sorry I missed all the fun but I will certainly be purchasing a copy of the mag.

  6. Nice jugs! And congrats to all on the new mag - I will check it out. A x

  7. I'm still laughing at the jugs.

  8. Congratulations on the launch. I'm sure it's been a lot of work so I hope it's very successful for you.

    Susan x

  9. Thanks for the invite- we had a blast. Chris and Susan's home is beautiful and I really enjoyed the tour Susan gave us!


  10. thanks everyone!!
    hey Ross, that Ralph reference was Jason not me. Just don't let it rush to your head when you fly qantas, ok? xx

  11. Looks like a fun night!
    How did our mothers/grandmothers survive wearing hot polyester?

  12. Seems like you had a lot of fun! :D Congrats for the launch !

  13. Really great to meet in the flesh Anita!! It was a super night, so glad I came.
    You totally rocked that paisley frock too by the way.. xx

  14. Those pineapple jugs are fabulous. And your dress is too!!

  15. I had a blast at this house party! I love being in a room filled with inspiring people and fun-lovers. Thanks for the invite Chris and Anita!

  16. Looks like it was a brillig night. And congratulations - that's a huge thing to pull off!

    There seems to be quite a coterie of bloggers in Brissy. I don't think there is in Sydnoi. Of if there is, I haven't stumbled across it (the more likely option).


Love to read your comments